20200604 & 20200606 - Behind Their Smiles

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(this was the only one that I published on the 6th and the others came out on the 4th)

I don't know what you hide
You don't know what they do either
They still mean nothing bad
Only to help you at least a tiny bit
They knew their lives will bring trouble
They knew they won't satisfy everyone
But yet they do something
For that one amidst billions
That one person who finally can smile
They make more than one smile too
Yet they belittle themselves
They give up everything
Yet they are down to earth
They? You're probably thinking of one
Someone who you feel is this way
But not just celebrities
It could be someone like you
Giving up time for someone you love
It could be your little furry friend
Giving up instincts for your love
Yet sacrifices come at a cost
A known fact
Wether it's the pain when they leave
Or what you put up with for them
Or even fame - It's inevitable
Yet people choose to hate
Giving people something to mask
Pulling up a deceiving smile
Shadow falling over their love
You might not realise that at all
Sadly they do anything
All or nothing to give love
Whoever they are deserves love
I despise each ounce of the negativity
But if it's also you
Who gives up for love
Gets stabbed and broken in return
Stay strong, I've been through it once
It might be toxic
I don't think you deserve it
I believe you needn't let anyone
Why live with clipped wings
When you can fly
It's okay to give another chance
But remember that selflessness
Isn't easy but no matter what
You have support
Wether you still pick the spotlight
To keep giving till you have no more
Or save your heart for the right one
Or maybe even both
You have homies and support

I feel so bad for delaying this, but my emotions aren't as charged as they were for both the others...
Sorry about both the delay and the quality...
I think I might redo this completely 


People like me or you
Or anyone else for that matter
They could be vocal or very active
Or really quiet about their moves
Or not people, but any living being
Animal or bird - wild or tame
Deep down with no intent
To cause harm or conflict

Doing or saying nothing
They aren't doing enough
Vocalize or word out something
It's not enough or worse,
It's doesn't feel genuine
They act out for it
It's not enough
No matter what a drowned out voice

Some risking to do all they did
Some unable to in circumstances
Some do it without flashing the badge
Yet turning that blind eye their way
Holding expectations up to match
Taking down ones that fail
Some that are silent angels
Some that can't even speak to man

Humanity is a tricky subject
Especially when you have to talk
About something that most have lost
Lives being lost - man and creature
Words grilling hearts and minds
Many humans and humanity parted
Not even a city remains
Empathy currently in high demand

All spheres of life alike
Tackled in more ways than one
Some cases unnecessary
Even to people who have been
Nothing but support
Ones who once were seen as angels
Getting painfully shoved aside
In what you call "cancelling"

It's toxic how people use and throw
Other people and even animals
For their expectations not being met
Or worse for supposed entertainment
Lives should be symbiotic
Not such breaching of trust

The rising violence towards people and animals physically and mentally... these have to stop #endviolence
I have a voice,  though small,  I believe it's worth standing up for what I believe is right.

P.s. the city line is a pun if you don't see it Human/ity = ity and hence no city.
If you're upset I hinted more tags for animals, it's mainly because it is not a much known thing... As someone who rescues strays I know for a fact how hard it is for them to get used to their normal lives... they trust all humans and think they'll protect them...
I heard of someone hanging a cat... some others killing a pregnant elephant with lit crackers in the pineapple they offered. This violence must end!


We tell everyone to keep smiling
Purely out of good intentions
Thus what media portrays
To attract us - is just that

A million dollar smile
A million dollar lifestyle
And perfection to the human eye
All strutting down red carpets

The dazzling smiles
The bright lights and flashes
The manufacturing is not only there
But in each of us

Your orbs tell countless stories
Even to the dark depths
Yet that mask of a smile
Everyone at least once has worn

It helps make someone's day
It helps in social settings
It reflects the sun above
While casting shadows inward

It's not necessarily a bad thing
It's not universally good either
We smile out of admiration and joy
But often out of mannerism

We've all worn this mask
We've turned on a facade
We've shown it genuinely
We've done the opposite

It doesn't make you fake to the world
But in a cherished relationship
It only seems like distrust
Or worse, fake trust

The smile of a broken heart
Can sometimes thus
Even break another heart
Or relationship bound by trust

I've been through one
My closest friend ended up
Forcing me to keep it all in
And I did

It gnaws me till date
It will haunt me forever
But I learnt of the toxicity of people
And I don't want to make that mistake

In case I smile to be polite
Covering up out of manners
I might not be as bonded
At least till then

Because truly when you get close
That mask is the firat thing that goes
No one is all perfect
Everyone knows it

Fact be it
I also hope you choose right
There are too many fake people
And for me I learnt that the hard way

A priceless expression of joy
A deceptive expression of sorrow
It can make someone's day
Yet also hides the broken underneath

There are way too many fake diamonds here
For you to pick out one precious jewel from

Smile to make someone smile
There is a spark of love in you
Heal others even if you hurt

Yet that doesn't mean you have to close in. I write here and I've found people I trust. Yes I have issues trusting people after that one bad choice, but that was my first. It's okay to trust slow, but trust sure footed. I still hide at times, but I think it's time I let go :)

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