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Hey so this is a Haikyuu one shot book and of course I have a few rules if you want to request.


•Doesn't need to be a ship, like it can be about siblings or friends or something.

•(I saw someone ask but I can't fine the comment for some reason) I will also write about poly ships. But be warned, I haven't written about poly relationships before nor do I have experience with it, so if it sticks that's why.

•No x reader cause I have never read an x reader and I don't really feel comfortable with it

•Only legal ships, no coach x student. That should be self explanatory.

•No incest, I'm looking at you Atsumu and Osamu shippers.

•No smut, I'm sorry if that's what you were looking for. I enjoy smut but I don't feel confident enough in my writing to project it  well, this might change in the future, we will see.

Ways to request:

•Comment what ship/characters you want

•Specify if post time skip or pre time skip

•Also if you want them already together or if you want they story to be how they got together

•Also if you want it to be an AU or not.


I'll start off with some of my favorite ships and if you request I'll try to write it the best I can!

Please enjoy!

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