Gold, Trophy, Honey (Bokuaka)

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Third person POV

Age 6

It was a snowy day, unlike any other for there was no one around. Normally the play ground was filled with tiny children laughing. But that was long gone now, not a single kid wanted to be there when he was. For he only brought despair to others around him, not even his parents thought he was worth sticking around for. It never seemed to bother him though, he never blamed others for throwing him aside. No one liked the feeling of despair, not even he did.

He didn't notice when a kid approached him from behind. When he did notice he wasn't startled or scared, he was just shocked someone had approached him. The kid was about his age maybe a bit older, he had gorgeous gold eyes that shone through the falling snow.

"My names Bokuto!" The kid had greeted him, why? Bokuto cocked his head to the side, he looked confused.

"Akaashi." He hated his voice, it was dull and lifeless but when he heard Bokuto's voice it was similar to a summer day, one where you didn't care what happened, one where you could smile and laugh at every small thing, one where you were simply happy.

The kid who was known as Bokuto was dragging Akaashi, by the hand towards the lifeless playground. But wherever Bokuto went, life and light followed.

Age 12

The snow came early that year, the icy roads were glistening like dull diamonds. The snow wasn't white, it never was it was always a color of lifeless gray. Although Akaashi appreciated that the snow and ice gave him a day off of school. The scratchy sweater he was wearing provided some sort of warmth, he didn't like the color it was a dreary yellow. He would've much have preferred a bright yellow, one that would shine like Bokuto's eyes on a snowy day.

He pondered changing but felt to lazy to leave his stiff bed. The wind was pretty intense today, he could hear it from inside the house. He grabbed his small device and opened up some random app scrolling through the homepage. He stopped when he saw Bokuto's account pop up, he felt sick to his stomach when he saw the photo.

Bokuto was with his friend group, and once again he had been left out. Why was he always kept hidden from everyone? Why did Bokuto act like he didn't know him at school? Akashi sighed knowing the answer, he always did, he was just too scared to admit it most times.

"I'm an embarrassment to him." He said to absolutely no one, the room was dark and muted similar to a cloudy night, with no moon or stars. He wasn't wrong though, if he were to even stand next to Bokuto in public there would be people asking if Bokuto was forced to. He was nothing compared to Bokuto, Bokuto was a star. A bright shining star, one that everyone loved and cared for. Compared to him, Akaashi was like an asteroid, something that no one liked or even paid attention to. He would come in and destroy any type of good mood people were in, he would destroy the star.

Age 17

"Hey Bokuto-san, I have a question." The two were at Akaashi's house, in all these years never once has Akaashi met Bokuto's parents.

"Fire away." Bokuto replied, Akaashi looked at him and prepared himself, before he asked he admired the bright shine in Bokuto's eyes.

"Am I an embarrassment?" Akaashi fiddled with his fingers, slightly picking at the skin seeing blood seep into the crevices of his nail.

"Are you kidding, of course not!" Bokuto replied laughing, Akaashi wanted to belief him but, he knew the truth it was too obvious.

The rest of the study session was quiet, he saw Bokuto clearly chatting with someone, even if he said he wasn't. Why couldn't he be included, he wanted to be able to have Bokuto's number, why couldn't he? Was it a crime to have his number? Was it only given to those who isn't embarrassed by?

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