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I regret a lot of things I did over the summer.

Betty I won't make assumptions

Suna even changed his homeroom, because I happened to be there.

About why you switched your homeroom but, I think it's cause of me

I miss the days where I could walk down the street and see Suna's house, being able to walk there and be greeted by him.

Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard when I passed your house

Suna was perfect, he was happy, calm, and peaceful.

But I ruined that.

When, I passed your house
It's like I couldn't breath

Soon rumors spread about summer, soon it made its way to Suna's ear.

You heard the rumors from Inez

Suna didn't believe it at first, because he trusted me, because why would I lie to him.

You can't believe a word she says

But when Suna brought it up to me, I couldn't lie to his face.

Most times, but this time it was true

The guilt is eating away at me, why did I get in that car? Why did I keep going out with him? Why was I such a jackass?

The worst thing that I ever did

Why did I lie to Suna?

Is what I did to you

That party is two weeks from now, I might see Suna again if I go. But Suna wouldn't want to see him, why would he?

But if I just showed up at your party

But what if Suna forgives me?

Would you have me?
Would you want me?

But what if he hates me now, that's the most likely to happen.

Would you tell me to go fuck myself?

But what if they talk it out?

Or lead me to the garden?

He would be able to explain to Suna that he was all that mattered. That he didn't care about the other guy, only him.

In the garden would you trust me
If I told you it was just a summer thing

I made a mistake, we all do at this cursed age of 17. Suna would understand...right?

I'm only 17 I don't know anything

I miss Suna, I really do.

But I know I miss you

I can even pinpoint the exact moment where this all started, the party Atsumu and I hosted while their parents were out.

Betty I know where it all went wrong

Suna's favorite song came on, and he wanted to dance.

Your favorite song was playing
From the far side of the gym

I was nowhere to be found. The crowd was deafening and suffocating.

But I was nowhere to be found
I hate the crowds you know that

But when I returned I saw Suna laughing and dancing with Atsumu.

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