Volunteering (Kuroken)

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Note: This is the same thing as Daisuga I haven't read much Kuroken at all so sorry if this sucks, I hope you somehow enjoy :D

Kenma's POV

"Kuroo where are we going?" I asked Kuroo in a monotone type voice, sadly he had taken my game so that I wouldn't walk in to a pole or something, so I was stuck trying to not look at people in the eye.

"Simple, we are going to do something other than sit in a dark room playing games." Kuroo said acting like he just made a scientific discovery.

"Whatever." I said trying to look around to see where we might be walking to, but I didn't see anything that stood out. We turned the corner and still nothing caught my eye, thankfully I didn't see that owl headed idiot anywhere so we probably weren't hanging out with Akaashi and Bokuto. I had no clue what was going on in that rooster head of his.

"Here!" Kuroo cheered as he stood proudly stood in front of the cat shelter, I tilted my head to the side and looked at Kuroo.

"Kuroo what are we doing here?" I asked in a quiet voice, he just smirked and walked inside the shelter, I followed out of curiosity and also cause I had nothing else to do.

"Hello miss, we are here for the volunteering hours." I heard Kuroo speak cheerfully to the woman at the front desk, I was standing slightly behind him and actually thought on how good idea this was. The woman was beaming and gladly showed us where we would be helping out for next few hours. It was the kitten section.

"So here is where we keep the kittens, basically what your jobs will be to help us feed and water them and just make sure the kittens are happy." She said and there was another person in the room, they showed us the ropes on how to feed them, and how much.

We then got introduced to the kittens individually, they were absolutely adorable. Kuroo knows me a little too well, but I mean I get to play with kittens so I'm not complaining.

"And this one is cinnamon." We got introduced to a little kitten which was smaller than the rest. The color was a warm brown and red mixed together, it had shocking light blue eyes which contrasted well with its fur.

"Well that's it for now, I'll leave you two have some bonding time with the kittens." With that the lady left and it was just Kuroo and I with all the kittens. Kuroo was playing with some of the older kittens next to me, Cinnamon was laying in my lap and I was just calmly petting him. I was curious on why Kuroo brought us here, usually his idea of a past time is practicing volleyball.

"Hey Kuroo?" I spoke softly in my normal voice he was playing with the other kittens then looked at me.

"What's up Kenma?" He said as he continued to play with the kittens.

"Why are we here? I mean I enjoy it and all but this isn't like you." I mumbled making sure I didn't ramble on for too long. He just looked at me and simply said.

"You looked like you could use it, that's all. And besides playing with kittens is fun." I was a bit flustered because this week had been an off week for me and he noticed.

"Thank you Kuroo." I said in my monotone voice like normal, he just smiled and nodded. We continued to play with the kittens until Cinnamon got a little restless, so I set him down and walked to the food bowl, I checked the time and it was time for them to eat.

"Hey Kuroo, I think the kittens are hungry." I said as I got up from where was sitting. Kuroo got up as well and followed me to wear Cinnamon was. I grabbed the food bowls and set them out, Kuroo grabbed the food and put it in the bowls.

The kittens sprinted to where we were, they basically attacked their food, except Cinnamon he just ate normally.

"Hey Kenma, your finger is bleeding." Kuroo pointed out, I checked and sure enough it was bleeding. Must of been from when Cinnamon was getting restless, I just shrugged and Kuroo sighed and walked over to the closet in the room.

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