Kiyoyachi (Royal AU)

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Note: In this story Kiyoko is a princess in a modern time, it isn't mentioned in the story since she doesn't want to be caught outside of the palace (cliche I know). Also I probably will make a part 2.

I gently flipped the page in my rusty sketchbook, I picked up the pencil the rested beside the pile of fabric my mother had left out. I began roughly sketching a new dress design, it was nothing special. My mom handled all the orders we got, my job was just to deal with the counter and learn how to eventually take on my mothers job.

I looked at my rough sketch and sighed, it was pretty smudged. I looked at the side of my hand and saw that it was all gray and shiny. I hated getting pencil lead on my hand it was a bit of a pet peeve of mine. I grabbed a handkerchief and was in the process of wiping the smudged lead. While I was doing that I heard the ringing of the bell, signaling someone had come into the shop. I looked up and saw that someone had walked in, they were taller than me but not by too much, they were a bit more petite but not as much as I was. They had a hood over their head but I could see a few strands of deep blue hair peaking out of the hood. The outfits they wore was a long soft purple long sleeved dress with a deep purple shawl.

"H-hello, are here to pick up? Or do you want to place an order?" I said, I did this to every customer that came here, but I never stuttered normally. Mostly women come here thankfully, cause sometimes men scare me. Especially if they are a lot bigger than me, which they usually are.

"Oh I'm here to just look, if that's ok?" The person said, their voice was soft, not too quiet but not loud either, just perfect. They looked my way and I got a look at her face, she had dainty glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, a beauty mark under her lip that made her look very mature. She also had these intoxicating sparkling ocean blue eyes.

"Um y-yeah that's fine, feel free to ask me anything." I said as I then saw her look away and she seemed drawn towards the more simple designs. I smiled and felt my face heat up, I grabbed my sketch book to hopefully distract my self from they pretty lady in the store. I didn't really work though, I kept sneaking peeks at the lady, she was quiet she didn't seem to really know what she wanted, since she kept passing by all the designs. Although I could just be jumping the gun too quickly, she probably just had a clear idea of what she wanted or something.

"Miss? I would like to place an order if that's alright?" I heard her soft angelic voice move closer to me. I looked up and saw her right in front of me, I nodded and grabbed the binder filled with our orders.

"What you you like M-Miss?" My voice was so pitchy compared to her angelic voice.

"Could I please have the design number 32 in a small?" She asked, I nodded and wrote that down in scribbly hand writing which was odd, normally my hand writing was pretty neat, a few messy spots here and there. My hands were spazzy and fidgety, my face was felt like it was beating if that made sense.

"Y-yeah no problem, that will be 4,500 yen." I said totally knocking over my sketch book and pencil, I tried to laugh it off but it just came off as awkward. I heard her giggle a little bit and I swear that her laugh could cure cancer.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you, it's just that you're being cute that's all." I heard her voice got a tiny bit louder than normal then what it was when she walked in. Also I had totally stopped working, she just called me cute. A beauty like her called a small squeaky insecure simple girl like me cute.

"Well I'll be one my way then. Thank you for your help." I just looked at her and watched her walk out the door, as she walked out her hood came down and I saw her medium length deep blue hair. How could someone be so pretty, I was lost in thought when I heard my mother walk in.

"Hitoka, I have to deliver a dress to the palace. I'll be back some time around 11:00 pm, dinner is in the fridge." And with that she was out the door and in the car, I looked at the time and saw that it was about 3:00. We didn't live anywhere near the palace so whenever Mother had to deliver to the palace it was always a hassle, and she had to go there often.

Since it was a weekday we closed earlier than normal, 5:00 to be exact. Most kids did go to school, but since I convinced my mom to let me help her so she didn't over work herself. I take lessons on the weekends, and it worked well with our schedules. Since we aren't open on Sunday and buisness is normally slow on Saturday.

I finished closing up by 5:13, then I took my sketch book and phone up to my room. Our complex was arranged to that we lived above our shop, it was nice not having to go walking around at night. My mind started to wonder, and specifically to the lady that came in earlier today, I was laying down on my bed for a good 10 minutes just thinking about how perfect she was. She was absolutely stunning, mature, not to mention her soft and calming voice. If there was such a thing as being perfect that was her. I tried to remember every small detail about her, the delicate glasses, the beauty mark that was below her lip, and those eyes, I could spend all day looking at them. I grabbed my sketch book and started sketching not realizing what I was drawing. The soft sound of the tip of the pencil rubbing against the paper was somehow calming.

I wasn't as fidgety as I was in the store earlier, I had dinner and was just chilling in the dining room scrolling through my phone. When I saw a photo I almost dropped my phone in my empty soup bowl. It was the lady I saw earlier today in the photo, she was with a guy... I didn't know why my heart felt like it had shattered. I should've expected it, I feel way too fast, but she was just so pretty, how couldn't I.

She was, perfect.

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