Iwaoi (Mermiad AU)

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Oikawa's POV

"Oikawa, you're gonna get caught." I heard Makki say, I was being careful so there's no way I would be caught.

"I'm being careful Makki no need to worry." He just looked at me like I had said water is dry.

"We are on the surface behind some stupid rocks, just so you can see a cute guy you thought you saw." Ok so maybe we were being a bit risky, but he was really cute. I didn't get a great look earlier but I had to see him at least one more time.

"Don't worry as soon as he makes his appearance we can leave." I said and Makki just went back to blowing bubbles. I looked over at me turtle and sighed.

"It's been over an hour Oikawa, the pod will start to worry. Makki looked over to me, his little squid was also glaring at me.

"Just a little longer." I was determined to see that guy again.

"Geez next thing you know you'll be calling a fork a dinglehopper." Makki just made fun of me, okay maybe I was acting a little bit like Ariel, but the guy was cute. Like come on I'm not passing that up

"Rude." And right as I said that we heard the door of the villa open. We both ducked behind the rocks, my head slightly peaking out so I could see. And it was the guy! The hot, handsome, muscly...

"Oikawa snap the fuck out of it." Makki whisper yelled to me.

"Again, rude." I whisper yelled back, I went back behind the rock and kept peeking my head so I could see him.

"Hey Matsun, can you go grab the sun block? I forgot in the villa." A guy with curly dark hair nodded and ran back to the villa.

"Okay so I see what you see in these men." Makki said finally agreeing with me, so there we were hiding behind rocks spying on the two guys on the beach.

"Boo." We heard a barley audible boo come from behind us, we jumped and splashed into the water. Now that we were underwater we started to sadly swim away.

"Kunimi! You didn't have to scare us!" I said whining, I looked over to Makki who was eating. Wait where the fuck did he get food from? Makki's mini squid, Kunimi's small manta ray, and my turtle all followed us closely.

"Ya but it was more fun." He always kept his answers short and not so sweet. I just sighed and remembered all of the guys features, his dark spiky hair, his pretty green eyes, and his beautiful tan skin.

"Ey yo Ariel try to keep up a bit." Makki said and Kunimi laughed a bit at the nick name.

"Really Makki! Come on I'm not a lovesick princess." I pouted, I sped up a bit so hopefully the teasing would stop.

"No but you are a lovesick whiny bitch." And once again Kunimi ever so slightly laughed. I just pouted gave Makki the middle finger. He just gave it back to me, so the bickering between Makki and I continued.

Once we got back to the pod Kunimi first spoke up.

"Sorry the two oldest in the pod were to busy gawking at men." And after Kunimi totally outed us. Makki just looked proud of the fact, while I was totally embarrassed.

"Well in Oikawa's defense they were hot." He said like that would help the situation.

"Not helping Makki!"


As soon as everyone was asleep, I swam along with my turtle. Until I noticed my turtle wasn't at my side anymore, I searched around to see where it went. I saw a net that had trash all got up in it, everything to plastic bags to soda cans, then I saw my turtle trying to get out. I quickly swam over trying to untangle the net but it was no use, I was getting worried.

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