Dainty Handwriting (Bokuaka... again)

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This story takes place when Akaashi is a first year and Bokuto is a second year.

Also this is another short one, sorry for all the short ones lately I hope you all still enjoy!

Bokuto POV

I skipped over to my small locker and and mindlessly opened it, inside were my outdoor shoes and a bunch of Knick knack crap like lip balm and weird post-its. But something was out of place, a small envelope was placed right in the center of my locker. It didn't have any name or decal on it, I shrugged and assumed it was a teachers note or something and placed it in my bag. I ran outside to go pester Konoha about practice today.

"Yo Konoha!" I shouted, he picked his pace up as if he was running away from me. I chased after him and we met up of the front gate.

"Rude." I said once I caught my breath, he jokingly rolled his eyes and we walked in the direction of our houses.

"So did you get a note today?" Konoha asked me out of the blue, I nodded and he looked like he just won nationals.

"Why?" He just shrugged and turned the corner towards his house, he waved at me and I waved back and continued my walk. We didn't have practice today because captain had some things to clear up with coach so we got the day off. I was lukewarm about not having practice, but I took this chance to get a snack at the convenience store.

I pushed the door about five times until I realized it said pull, I was thankful that Kuroo wasn't here to make fun of me for it. I heard the slight ding of a bell and walked off towards the beverage isle. When I got there I saw that there was another person standing in from of the beverage options. They had a tanner complexion, deep dark curls, and striking gun metal blue eyes. What that's...

"Agashi!" I said properly a bit too loudly, since he flinched when I spoke. He looked over at me and immediately looked away, well that was weird.

"It's Akaashi, Bokuto-san." He chuckled lightly as he corrected me like he usually did, half of me mispronounced it just so he would correct me, other times I just didn't say it right.

"So what are you doing here?" I said trying to strike up a conversation, I've only known Akaashi about three weeks since he joined the club.

"Just thirsty." His responses were normally short and sweet, it was always a little awkward at first when talking to him. But normally he would get more comfortable after talking for a bit, but he seemed really on edge today.

"My treat." I simply told him, he was pretty shocked when I said that out of the blue, he shook his head frantically.

"No please, it's fine Bokuto-san. I'm probably just going to get a water anyway." We just stared at each other for about thirty seconds until he sighed and grabbed a sparkling water. I grabbed it from him and walked up to the register, and set his sparkling and my juice on the counter, and waited for the lady to ring us up.

"That'll be 308 yen please." The nice lady at the register told me, I gladly gave her then yen and Akaashi and I then stood outside the store for a little bit.

The sun was shining and no clouds decorated the sky, it was perfect. The silence was a little awkward but soon Akaashi spoke up.

"So did you get a letter in your locker?" He asked me, why was everyone asking me that. Well just two people did but you know what I mean.

"Yeah I did, I haven't read it yet though." He looked in the opposite direction from me, he nodded and we kept walking.


"Bye Akaashi!" I waved at him, he gave a tiny wave back and I went straight to my house. I was itching to see what the letter was now, I mean multiple knew about it, so maybe everyone got one or something?

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