Ruin (Bokuaka)

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Sorry for pulling a Ging, but some stuff came up but I'm all good now. I needed to write some fluffy Bokuaka cause my heart has been torn in pieces thanks to ReD_dAy
Also please read their stories they are simply amazing 😌🤌✨ anyways hope you enjoy!

Bokuto POV

"See you tomorrow!" I yelled back at my teammates, Hinata waved good bye and Sakusa just nodded.

"Look foward otherwise you'll walk into the street like a dumbass!" Atsumu yelled my way, I flipped him off and we both laughed. I kept walking foward and sighed as I heard their voices fade.

It was quiet night, the stars shined like small diamonds. The moon in a perfect circle, and the sky was a stunning color of navy blue. I felt the sweat still on my face chill me to the bone, I sighed and saw my foggy breath leave my mouth. It was pretty chilly outside, approximately 34 degrees Fahrenheit. I had a angle windbreaker on, I slipped my hand in the pocket and felt my keys, a small owl keychain attached to them, I smiled slightly at the stupid memory of how it came into my possession.

I kicked a pathetic looking pebble that was slightly in my way, it skidded across the sidewalk on disappeared into the dying grass. I hated having to walk the long way home, but Akaashi and I came the agreement that no one could see what our relationship was, something about not wanting to harm my career.

I turned the corner and walked up the steps to our front door, it was painted a dark majestic blue. I grabbed my keys by the small detailed owl keychain and slipped them into the knob on the door and turned it and heard the click signaling that it was unlocked.

I pushed the door opened and felt the warm air of the house hit my cold face. I quickly shut the door behind me, a saw our golden retriever puppy, Mochi come running out of the office. I looked at my phone and saw the time, 11:30. I sighed, I walked into the office and saw Akaashi passed out with his head resting on the desk. Mochi was on her hind legs with her front paws on the wooden leg of the chair. I walked toward Akaashi and saw a shit ton of stray papers, pencils, and erasures. I set my sports bag down and picked Akaashi up bridal style.

I carefully walked up the stairs making surety not make any creaking sounds and also to keep my balance. I soon made it to our bedroom which was pretty simple, I set him on the comfy bed. I carefully slipped his clean and sleek glasses off and set them in their respective case and set the case on the bed side table.

I had taken a shower after practice so all I had to do was put on some pajamas, which was just a worn out hoodie and some pair of old sweatpants. I slipped under the covers next to Akaashi, Mochi was laying at the foot of the bed and we were cuddled up in the center. I heard Akaashi's adorable soft snores, I smiled and let my rough fingers massage his soft dark, bouncy curls.

I soon felt myself succumb to the irresistible peaceful silence of sleep.

Akaashi POV
•Before Bokuto got home•

I was on a video call with Tenma that was lasting at least an hour too long, but I had at least a little extra time so I said I would help him.

"How does that sound Akaashi?" Tenma seamed to like this new design of his main character, it was a bit weak but maybe if he just worked on it a bit it could improve.

"Maybe just work on their color palette a bit more and maybe add some more striking features, we don't want them to blend into the panels." I gave my suggestions and he nodded and asked for my opinions on his immediate changes, I gave him the thumbs off and told him to work on it a bit more.

"Thank you so much Akaashi, next week for check in?" I nodded and signed off of the meeting, I had a blaring head ache. Mochi was at my feet resting when I got up to go to the kitchen for some water and Advil.

I checked them time and saw that it was about 11:00 sharp, Bokuto said that he would be home much later tonight since his team was having a get together tonight to celebrate.

I walked back to the office with my glass of water. I set it down on my desk and Kate's my head down for a bit.

When I opened my eyes I felt a warm bright night shining in my face, stupid sun. I sat up and realized I was in bed, I smiled when I looked over and saw Bokuto loudly snoring as usual. Mochi wasn't even up yet, I got out of bed and went straight to my office. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to yesterday.

After about 30 minutes I heard the slight scratch of claws clambering down the stairs, I also heard a slight creak meaning Bokuto was also up. I figured he was going to go straight to the kitchen, but I then heard him open the door to my office.

"Keiji, you'll run yourself ragged if you over work yourself." I looked behind me and saw Bokuto leaning in the doorway.

"It's just some last minute things, I'll be right there." I tried to reassure him but he didn't budge, I sighed and turned back to my computer. But he just spun my chair around and picked my up over his shoulders.

"I will force you to take a break." I know there was no point in wasting my energy trying to comprise with him, also deep down I knew he was right.

He set me down at the dining room table and went to the kitchen, I started fidgeting with the shiny fork at the right of my plate. Soon Bokuto brought out a pan of eggs that were perfectly cooked and put them on the plate in front of me.

"Thank you Bokuto," I sighed mumbling slightly, I noticed that Bokuto seemed more quiet than Usual.

"Is everything okay Bokuto?" I questioned him and he just sighed, not with relief but more with dread it seemed.

"Well having to walk and extra three blocks to get home just so no one suspects anything is getting hard, especially with the temperature dropping." He sat down in the chair across from me, I looked down at my eggs and continued eating. I knew this day would come but I didn't want to be the reason why Bokuto's career would go downhill.

"So maybe think we could tell people?" Bokuto spoke softly, I dropped me fork onto my plate and shook my head from side to side.

"Come on Akaashi, having to walk almost half a mile to get home after practice is exhausting." Bokuto started to raise his voice in frustration, Mochi than huddled by my feet.

"I don't want to ruin your career for you Bokuto." My voice was softer than normal, only because I was choking back a cry. I wanted to tell everyone, so girls would stop asking him on dates, so I could hold his hand in public, so I could really feel like we're dating, but if the world found out Bokuto's career could be ruined, and I didn't want to risk that.

"Akaashi, I don't care if people hate me for it, all I care about is being able to love you." I looked up at Bokuto and his face softened, he got up and walked back to the kitchen. I felt like a total dick, Bokuto is trying his hardest to be there for me and all he wants in return is a shorter walk in the biting cold.

I walked into the kitchen where I saw Bokuto sitting on the floor with Mochi in his lap. I quietly sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe do you think you could take the shorter way home?" Bokuto looked down at me and smiled.

"I sure can."

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