Angelic (Bokuaka)

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Btw this will be in 2 parts, enjoy!

The world was simple, if you had multicolored wings you would be banished to the treacherous woods, if you had pure colored wings then congrats you get to live life like normally.

But one child born in the woods was left all alone. His mother had disappeared and his father had completely ignored him.

He tried to fit in the small village the outcasts had created. Did simple chores, was polite to everyone. And eventually everyone loved him, he loved the uniqueness in all of their wings. The clashes of brown, white, black, and speckles in their wings was stunning.

His wings were a soft brown color with a mix of tan and white speckles covering his wings. He was proud of them, he took good care of them, and made sure to keep them clean.

Once he turned 10 his job was to mainly take care of the village children. Which he was glad to do, sure they were a little loud but in the end he cared for them.

However in the city of Tenshi, lived a swarm of stuck up and rude people with nothing but pure colored wings. They always held them with much pride. One child was born here and lived happily with his parents, he was fed well, went to a good school, and even had many friends to play with. He was a very energetic kid, never stopping to look at the flowers, or to see the jarring problems that society was causing.

His wings were pure gray, light gray to be exact. He had two older siblings, he was always being taken care of. And eventually he became spoiled, sometimes a bit rude, and lived in the spotlight.

These two boys lived very different lives. They were polar opposites.
One was the caregiver.
The other was being taken care of.
One lived in a small village.
The other lived in a bustling city.
One was quiet and reserved.
The other was loud and obnoxious.
One was born in exile.
The other was born with privilege.

Akaashi's POV
12 years old

"Kaashi! Can you help me clean my wings?" A little girl cried. I nodded and I knelt down and picked sticks out over her soft speckled wings. Once all the thorns and grime were out of her wings she hugged me and ran off to play.

I walked back to the kitchen hut and helped the elders with preparing dinner as I usually did. I prepared vegetables and got fresh water from the nearby river.

"You know Akaashi, you can take a break." A kind elder spoke, her name was Mary. Since we were all in exile, we all came from separate places of the world. Mary basically raised me, she taught me to spell and read, I spoke English. But according to Mary, I don't come from the same place as she does.

But I didn't understand why that mattered.

"But I like helping." I assured her, she sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Just be careful with the knife ok." She laughed, I nodded and made sure to not cut myself.

"Hey Mary?" I spoke out of the blue. She looked at me.

"You said you knew my mom. And you said you would tell me more when I was older. And I'm older now so..." I dragged on. She nodded.

"You indeed are older. How about after dinner, ok?" She said as she took the vegetables I cut up and put them into some sort of red sauce. I nodded and hugged her.

"What's this for Akaashi?" She asked happily as she hugged me back. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why don't you set the table?" She instructed me, I nodded and ran off to set the large table. It was made from an old tree that the first in exile cut down and set up. The entire village eats at the same time, to make things more simple.

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