Comfort and Silence (Tsukiyama)

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This took forever to write I had a hard time 1 coming up with a sort of soiled concept and 2 writing the characters accurately so please bare with this chapter. Also thanks to ReD_dAy I found enough confidence to finish this, so thank you!!

Also (again) we reached 100 reads!! Thank you so much everyone this means a lot 🥺💖


Tsukishima's POV

I had finally escaped from the annoying owl and cat also known as Bokuto and Kuroo. I was walking back to where we were supposed to sleep, I was thankful they were helping me get better at my blocking during training camp but they were annoying as hell.

"Tsukki!" I heard my name being called and looked behind me to see Tadashi running towards me with a huge smile on his face. I stopped walking and waited for him to catch up to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, he must've been practicing, he seemed out of breath and his face was flushed, with his freckles and hair he kind of looked like a strawberry, it was kind of... cute.

"I'm just going to go to bed that's all." I said as we started to continue walking. He didn't say anything, he just followed me like he normally did.

When we got back to the room we both went to the bath and cleaned up so we didn't feel dirty from all the sweat and from that had built up from practicing.

After the bath we headed back to the room to finally sleep, I had a banging headache thanks to the two idiots. As soon as I opened the door I could tell I wouldn't be going to bed for a while, the two dumb asses were fighting again, as per usual. I sighed and walked to my futon and laid down. Tadashi laid down on his and we just watched the other two bicker back and forth non stop, with stupid logic and insults.

"Can you two please shut up." I said finally having enough of those two fight, they looked at me and each gave each other one last final insult before going to their respective futons.

Soon after the second and third years walked in and got settled with little fuss, Tanaka and Noya both actually seemed tired for once.

I feel asleep pretty quickly and it was  finally quiet.

Yamaguchi's POV

Everyone was finally asleep, I wasn't though, my mind was racing like no tomorrow. I rolled over and looked at the window, a little light was peering in and landing on my face. It was somewhat calming, but not enough to help me sleep. I heard subtle snoring from every which direction, it was way louder in my head then it actually was. I rolled over onto my back and looked at the plain looking ceiling, there was a slight smell of soap in the air, guessing from when we all took baths. I couldn't tell what exact smell it was, which sort of annoyed me.

I picked at my fingers a bit and sighed, it was no use. I didn't have trouble sleeping it was just when I go to bed. Not matter how tired I am I can never fall asleep until well after 12:30.

"Tadashi." I rolled on my side and looked at Tsukki, he looked groggy and tired.

"Ya Tsukki?" I quietly responded, I just took a moment to look at his soft vanilla hair, the slight moonlight in the room lighting up his face, it really flatters him.

"Here." He handed me his headphones, and my phone which I left by his bag. I smiled and gladly took them, Tsukki had turned to his other side and went back to bed.

I plugged the headphones to my phone and played white noise, and soon I was fast asleep.


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