Ill wait for you (bokuaka)

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Decided to take a break from the angsty "Lovers Death" and write a fluffy story!
Also this is a along one, 7119 words to be exact. Enjoy!

"Hey Kenma-san." Akaashi greeted the dual haired boy. Kenma sighed and waved to Akaashi.

"No need for honorifics." Kenma said quietly, Akaashi nodded and let Kenma inside.

"So you wanted to talk?" Akaashi reminded Kenma of the reason he came over in the first place. Kenma nodded and turned to the taller boy.

"I need you to smack some sense into Bokuto." Kenma said a bit louder than normal, but his tone was completely calm.

"I'm a little confused Kenma-san-" Kenma shot a death glare at Akaashi and he immediately corrected himself.

"Er Kenma." Kenma softened his glare back to his normal daydream look.

"Look, he's just extremely confused. And it's starting to get a little annoying. And you can't tell me you aren't at least a little hurt." Kenma said, raising his voice in annoyance. Akaashi just stood there, he knew it in his heart he was deeply hurt. But Bokuto didn't even know that he had hurt him, so there was no reason to be hurt.

"Akaashi you know what I'm talking about right?" Kenma asked the taller boy, who was now playing with his fingers and picking at them.

"Stop that." Kenma went up and slightly slapped Akaashi's gentle hands.

"Ya I do." Akaashi answered, Kenma nodded and sat down on the nearby bar stool.

"He's going out with a lot of girls lately, because he's confused. Ya he likes them, but he's wondering why he likes you more." Kenma said nonchalantly, Akaashi looked at him strangely.

"You're lying." Akaashi replied seriously.

"Akaashi, do I look like someone who has enough energy to waste on coming up with meaningless lies that lead to absolutely nothing." Kenma shot back.

"Then, how do you know all this?" Akaashi questioned the boy sitting in front of him.

"Oh one time Bokuto was ranting to Kuroo, very loudly I might add. So I just eavesdropped." Kenma said like it was the most obvious answer.

"Kenma! You can't just eavesdrop on people's private conversations." Akaashi scolded Kenma.

"Also I thought you didn't have enough energy to get involved in other people's problems?" Akaashi kindly pointed out to Kenma. Kenma turned the other way and hid his head in his hood.

"Well... this time it seemed really important ok. And, even though Bokuto can be unbelievably annoying, you both deserve to be happy and what not. But the MAIN reason is that seeing you too run around each other like toddlers is annoying." Akaashi giggled a bit at Kenma's futile attempt to hide the fact he cared.

"Well thank you. But don't eavesdrop again." Akaashi said breathlessly, Kenma nodded and then got up from his seat.

"So please just kiss him or something to knock some sense into him." And with that comment Akaashi turned a cherry red.

"Welp, good luck." And with that the antisocial boy had disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.

Just imagining holding hands with Bokuto made Akaashi go shy, so how was he supposed to do something like that?

Akaashi's POV

"Kenma I swear." I flopped onto my bed after taking a nice warm shower. Heck I'm barely getting over the whole changing room situation.

Maybe I could ask mom?


Once Mom had returned I raced to ask her my question.

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