Miwa and Tobio (NOT A SHIP)

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This one is a long one, precisely 5459 words long, so I guess if you don't like long chapters don't read \_(•~•)_/

Please note that this is not a ship chapter, I changed the title of this book from "Haikyuu Ship Oneshots" to just "Haikyuu Oneshots" so please don't think I ship this, THEY. ARE. SIBLINGS. I just wanted a wholesome chapter of Tobio with his sister Miwa. And yes she is a cannon character. Enjoy!

Also I ship Miwa and Saeko (fight me)

One more thing, season three, season four, and slight manga spoilers. So don't read if you don't want spoilers.

Miwa's POV

I was about 8 when Tobio was born, he had this serious looking face and he looked angry all the time, but he was my brother so I loved him anyways.

Around the age of 12 I had over heard a conversation my parents were having. It sounded like a lot of shouting mainly from my mom, soon she broke down crying. I wanted to step in but I wanted to see if Tobio was holding up okay, so I grabbed my IPad and went to his room. He was about 4 and was huddled under the dark blue comforter, when I came in he flinched a bit.

"Tobio it's just me, Miwa." I softly whispered, he slipped his head out from under his comforter and looked at me, his eyes were glassy and red, his nose was runny, and his hair was ruffled. I sat down on the bed and set my IPad in front of me, and motioned for him to sit in my lap. He crawled out from under the comforter and sat in my lap, I pulled up the national volleyball tournament and we watched in silence.

Soon I was 13 but turning 14 and things had gone down hill quickly, school was getting harder and going to a school like Kitagawa first just made it more stressful. Volleyball was the one thing that I wanted to keep playing but I couldn't because stuff like homework and family stuff always seemed to add more stress and I had to drop it. I told my grandfather who taught Tobio and I volleyball that is was cause of my hair and left it at that.

Today was supposed to be a good day, a day that normally people get excited for the day that's all about them, they get presents, cake, and everyone seems nice to them. But my birthday this year was like any other day, Mom drove me to school and drove off. It's not like I had any real friends who said anything.

"Hey Miwa!" I looked up from my worksheet I was doing and saw a girl I have known for a while, she was just a fake friend though.

"Yeah what is it Aoi?" I muttered, she just sighed and crossed her arms. Aoi had curly auburn locks with a perfectly freckled face, and her eyes were a perfect chocolate brown.

"I need you to do my homework for Aki, Emiko, and I." She spoke demandingly, she placed three packets on my desk and walked away.

I looked at the packets and debated not doing them, but last time I didn't they embarrassed me the entire day. I didn't like being a doormat, but I hated being embarrassed even more. So I decided to just do them later tonight.

Finally the school day was over and packed all my things, including the three packets. And started to walk home, the air was crisp and cold. I thankfully wore leggings under my skirt but I had forgotten a jacket.

Soon I arrived home and walked inside, Mom was out as usual which left Tobio at home alone. I didn't like the idea of him being alone at five years old but I tried to debate with my mom but she shut me down. She used to be a kind and caring lady, but after Dad confessed he was cheating and wanted to move in with his side chick, she totally shut down. She absorbed herself in her work and did the bare minimum of care. We weren't even allowed to bring up Dad, he didn't want to see Tobio or I at all.

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