Stressful (Daisuga)

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I'm sorry if this sucks, but I don't read much Daisuga some I'm kinda doing this without any knowledge of any other fan fics 🥲 I hope you still enjoy!

Suga POV

It was an incredibly tiring week, I had parent conferences all through out the week. Don't get me wrong I love the kids and all but sometimes they just give me a headache.

"Sensei! Look look!!" I heard my student say trying to grab my attention. I was working in grading on their fun little kindergarten projects.

"What is it?" I said in my normal cheerful voice even though I felt like snapping a pen in half.

"I drew this for you!!" The student placed a crayon drawing on my desk, it was me and someone else in the photo.

"Who is that?" I said pointing at the other person in the simplistic crayon drawing.

"Oh that's da police officer that came in da other day." I laughed, and patted the kids head, they giggled and ran back to their craft station I had set up earlier today.

I smiled at the drawing, Daichi had to come into the class to explain safety and stuff. I put the picture in the pile of kid drawings. We had a piece of string the went over the black board and every week I would rotate which pictures were hung up. I smiled and looked at all the drawings, sometimes it was hard to tell what the drawing was of but it still made me happy that the kids loved drawing so much.

"Alrighty class, time to pack up. Your parents will be here soon." And when I said that the kids started to put away craft supplies, put their projects away, and grabbed their small bags.

As the parents started coming to pick up their kids I quickly greeted them and then waved them goodbye when they grabbed their kids. But as usual the two twins were left in the class, their parents were always late, I felt bad for them but there wasn't much I could do.

"Yua, Kaito want to help me rotate the drawings?" They looked over at me and nodded, Yua was a sweet little girl although she got annoyed quickly, especially with kids in the class. Kaito was a bit rambunctious but he had good intentions, but kids did tend to be annoyed with him. So Yua and Kaito were pretty inseparable.

"Sensei, where is our mom?" Kaito asked me as they picked out some art they wanted to be displayed.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon, don't worry." Yua looked at me and had a look on her face that told me that she knew it would be a while. I got up and walked to my desk and picked up the phone, and called their mother.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, Yua and Kaito walked up to my desk and wanted to hear when their mother would be here.

"This is Sugawara, the twins teacher. I was just wondering when they'll get picked up, they were supposed to get picked up 15 minutes ago." The twins were on their tippy toes trying to hear what their mother was saying.

"Their father should be picking them up soon." Then she hung up and I sighed and looked at the twins, they heard their father was picking them up. I didn't know exactly what was going on but I knew that they were scared of their dad, especially Kaito.

"Sensei, can we stay here?" I felt a tug at my sleeve and saw Kaito, he looked like he was about to cry. I knelt down to look at him.

"Kaito, Yua I need you to go and start working on your projects, ok?" I said, I looked at Yua and she nodded, she took Kaito's arm and dragged him to go grab their projects. I went to go grab the phone on more time and called a different number.

"Hey Daichi, I need your help."


Soon I heard the door open and saw Daichi, the twins looked at me a bit confused, Yua seemed to understand what was going on and then began working again.

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