Kagehina (Coffee Shop AU)

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🍊Hinata's POV🍊

I was in quite a rush today, I didn't help that I woke up late and was now rushing to get to my part time job at the local coffee shop. I can't count the amount of lovey dovey couples I saw on a daily basis, it was slightly annoying but I think that was just out of jealousy. It didn't help that I had to work with the most annoying coworkers. Yamaguchi was fine but Tsukishima and Bakayama, I don't know how our manager Yachi deals with those two. All though I guess Bakayama isn't all that bad, I mean he does help me with making difficult drinks. And it was helpful when he taught me how to grind the coffee beans. He still makes fun of my for it though. I felt my phone buzz and immediately felt sick to me stomach cause I knew exactly who it was.

Bakayama🫐- Where the hell are you dumbass?

Boke🍊- I'm running late I'll be there in like 2 minutes 🙄

Bakayama🫐- Why the fuck are you late???

Boke🍊- Because I slept in geez 😤

Bakayama🫐- You better get here soon because stupid salt shaker is making me work at the register, WHICH IS SUPPOSED YOUR MAIN JOB!

Boke🍊- You better not make us loose customers with your sucky social skills. 😒

Bakayama🫐- We are the most cliche coffee shop in town, we could have salt shaker work the register and still be packed by noon

Boke🍊- Wow Bakayama I'm surprised you know that word 😀

Bakayama🫐- Just shut up and get your ass over here so I can go back to working the bar.

Boke🍊- 👌

Bakayama🫐- 🙄

I shut my phone off and took off in a sprint, Bakayama would just get more made if I made him work the register any longer. I finally got there and opened the door and rushed behind the counter into the back room where we kept the aprons, I put mine on and looked at Bakayama. He glared at me and I just awkwardly smiled and he finished taking the ladies order, and my god does he suck at the register. Once the order was taken we shifted so that Tsukishima was on drive thru, Yamaguchi and Bakayama were both on bar, and I handled the register.

The day went pretty smoothly after that, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi both left since they got here three hours earlier then Bakayama and I did, well when I was supposed to.

It was about 9:30 pm and so Yachi closed the drive thru, since it was just the three of us there. Although Yachi would leave in about 15 minutes, so soon it would just be Bakayama and I.

"You two take care ok! And make sure to get home safely." Yachi said as she was about to leave the store and head home. We both nodded and with that she smiled and left.

"You really suck at working the register." I said as soon as Yachi's car left the parking a lot. He looked at me and glared before he spoke up.

"At least I knew how to grind fucking coffee beans before working at a coffee shop." He said obviously a bit tired, usually he would yell like no tomorrow but today he seemed off. He didn't do anything when I spilled a drink earlier today he just said dumbass and helped me clean it up. It was nice for him to not get mad at me and actually helped me, but he was never like that usually.

"Hey Bakayama?" He flinched a bit at the nickname I had given him a while back. He just looked at me with a face of question.

"Are you okay you seem a bit off today?" He immediately flinched again, what's with all flinching? He just continued to wash some of the kitchen ware that we used today.

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