Bokuaka (flower shop/tattoo artist AU)

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Hey so I sort of fell in love with this storyline so I made it it's own story, please check it if you want too! Anyways please enjoy!

Bokuto's POV

"Hey Bokuto, could you please go next door and ask if they could turn the music down." My co worker Kenma asked me, I wondered why he asked that since I personally liked what they were playing, it was low and mellow with a nice beat to it.

"And just cause you like it doesn't mean the flowers or I like it." He basically hissed at me before I could even answer.

"The flowers?" I just looked at me clearly pissed, and Kenma is scary when he like that so I quickly got our of there and started to walk to the tattoo parlor next door.

When I opened the door I heard the slight ring of the bell, I saw my close friend Kuroo at the register and waved and as usual he had his odd rooster hair but he pulled it off somehow.

"Hey hey hey!" I said as I made my grand entrance, I knew Kenma would be pissed if he didn't hear the music get turned down soon, I still don't understand what he meant about the flowers not liking it.

"What's up Bokuto!" He said with his cat like smirk that he permanently wore, very proudly might I add.

"Kenma wanted me to come over here and ask to maybe turn the music down a bit." I said feeling awkward, I mean I didn't want to seem snotty or anything, but thankfully Kuroo just nodded.

"Hey Akaashi! Do you think you could turn it down a bit? The shop next door can hear." Kuroo spoke to his co worker, I've never met the guy he was always giving someone a tattoo in the back room. I'm pretty sure though he's worked here like about two years or so. I've seen some of his work in the little booklets that they have on display, and I see why he is always busy he's really good at what he does, the fine details he puts in his work, the message behind every tattoo really showed in his stunning work.

"Can you just turn it down? I'm kind of busy here." He said sounding focused, Kuroo just looked at me and gestured for me to go back there and do it myself.

"Is it really ok if I turn it down?" I asked before walking back there without reassurance, I never met the guy and I didn't want to startle him or anything.

"Ya, Kenma never seems to be happy when I do cause I guess I don't turn it down enough." He just said looking a little offended in a jokingly manner, as he grabbed a booklet and skimmed through it. I just nodded and went behind the counter and opened the door that led to the back room.

When I opened the door the music got even louder, he sure liked his music loud. When I got to the small stereo that was blasting music and turned it down enough so that Kenma wouldn't get mad anymore, well at least for now. I heard him talking to his client, apparently they were all finished.

"Thanks again, Keiji-Chan!" I looked over in curiosity and saw the back of who I guess was Keiji, also known as Akaashi. And the person he was tattooing had fluffy chestnut hair, and a giddy attitude.

"Also could I book an appointment for Iwa-Chan?" The person asked and I really should've left by now but they hadn't noticed me so what was the harm?

"Sure, what day and time?" And I didn't really hear or care about the rest of the conversation, so I just was on my way to leave when Akaashi had accidentally ran into me. I think he was trying to grab something by the stereo at the same time I was walking out.

"Huh? Oh sorry about that." He said as I let him pass me to grab a binder that I guess held all his future clients and appointments.

"Oh it's ok! Also, I really like your music taste!" And with that a got out of the store, he in a hurry and waved bye to Kuroo and returned to the quaint flower shop next door.

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