Gold, Trophy, Honey pt.2

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Age 7

Life sucks, I started to find that out as soon as people started to expect things from me. People always though I would be a star, I can't say why though I just wanted to be a normal kid for once, so I ran. I didn't get very far though.

It was bitter cold day, I saw a kid just standing there in front of the empty playground, he had a pretty head of gorgeous curls, that curled perfectly. I ran up to him, wanting to talk.

When I got there he looked shocked to see me, did I scare him? His eyes, they were like diamonds on a sunny day, unlike my dreary yellow ones, I hated them they made me look creepy to a lot of kids.

"I'm Bokuto!" I greeted myself to him, I held out my hand for him to shake, he hesitantly took it and his hand was soft, like a fresh snow fall.

"Akaashi." His voice was quiet, but it fit him perfectly he was so dreamy and I wanted to help him with anything I could.

Age 13

"Come on Bokuto, just spill." Oikawa was asking me to tell them who I liked, I didn't even feel like I deserved to feel this things for Akaashi. I was being such a jerk, but I didn't want to disappoint anyone, more like I was scared to.

"I don't like anyone Oikawa." I tried to say convincingly, I don't know if it worked or not but thankfully Kuroo stepped in.

"And even if he did it's not your business." Oikawa rolled his eyes, I didn't blame him though he was in a similar situation to mine. Wanting to please everyone but not being able to.

"Welp it's time for us to go Oikawa." Oikawa nodded and the two left.

I flopped on my bed, and pulled out my phone and posted a picture of the three of us that we took earlier today. I felt sick to my stomach, I felt like the worst person ever. There was someone missing from the photo someone that should be there.

"Akaashi." I sighed and pulled the soft blanket over me entirely and felt gentle tears fall down my cheeks and onto the cold mattress. They wouldn't stop, anytime I thought it was over I thought of how lonely Akaashi must feel right now.

Age 18

"Kōtarō, we have a girl we want you to meet." I felt my heart fall, but Akaashi...

He hates you now don't you realize this. A voice in my head told me I knew it was right.

"Okay Mom who is she?" I said coldly, she sighed and started talking, I wasn't paying attention I didn't care. It's not like Akaashi would even want to see me after all these years of me ignoring him.

The day I met this girl I wanted to puke, she had a rotten personality she was nothing compared to his gentle nature, his kind eyes, his mysterious persona. Her hair was a dirty dark mess, her face was way too pale to be healthy, her eyes were a muddy brown.

But I had to comply otherwise I wouldn't be able to play volleyball, that was the deal I made with my parents. I hated it but if I wanted to at least keep something that made me happy... I would deal with it.

Age 21

"I don't know what to do Kuroo!" I was totally breaking down right in front of Kuroo, he was the only one I could trust with all this pressure.

"Calm down Bo." Kuroo spoke softly, I don't really think it helped, I hadn't even spoken to Akaashi in a whole year, and even when ever I would talk to him it would just be me distancing myself from him.

Why did I do that?

Why did I hurt him?

Why did I feel guilty?

Is there a way to feel better?

Is there a way to make it up to him?

Is there a way for us to be together?

I shook my head laughing at myself, there wasn't and there never would be, it was utterly hopeless.

"His name was Akaashi right?" I looked at Kuroo and nodded hopelessly.

"This ain't the Bokuto I know, now that I think about it. I haven't seen that Bokuto in a long time." Kuroo ruffled my hair and sighed.

"Go talk to him." I looked at Kuroo shocked, he chuckled at my expression.

"It's not like you have to go to Mars to see him, he's just in the next town over. You're in college now Bokuto, you need to be able to face this problem, the guilt is tearing you apart from the inside. And I can't see my best friend do this to himself." Kuroo's tone was strict but caring then he started talking again.

"And I've never met the guy but, if you wait any longer you may not get another chance." It took me a second to understand what he meant but then it clicked.

"He might-" Kuroo nodded and I quickly got up and ran out the door.

"Good luck Bo!" I heard Kuroo yell at me, I didn't look back. Akaashi had to be there right? He couldn't have done anything like that, could he. My pace picked up and I quickly got to the train and got on heading to the town over. Where Akaashi is.

I was walking down the cold lonely road and took a turn into an alleyway unknowingly and as if the world was in slow mode, his dark tangled curls, his diamond eyes, his sun kissed skin, they all gleamed in the soft light of the moon.

I ran and pulled him towards me. What was I even doing, I didn't have a plan nor did I think of one on the spot. I was just doing whatever I felt like doing, this was dangerous.

"B-Bokuto-san!?" His voice was like a windy spring day, one where the flowers bloomed with pride, one where couples would be happy in each other presence, one where the clouds scarcely decorate the sky.

"I-I didn't know where to go. So I came looking for you." I stuttered, I didn't know what to say so I just rambled.

"You have every right to be mad, I was a total dick to you. I was so concerned on how people would view me, I didn't even notice the person that was always there for me not matter how much of a jerk I was." I was crying now, gosh I regret what I did so much, why did I want to please people so much, I was nothing but a selfless jerk that didn't deserve his forgiveness.

"Follow me." Akaashi started walking and motioned for me to follow him. There some sort of weight lifted of my chest. I quickly followed him.

Age 25
February 3rd 2019

February eventually arrived and it was time to put my plan into action, our relationship may be confusing but I knew how I felt, and I was confident about his as well.

"Akaashi Keiji." I spoke with a certain sternness in my voice, I hope I didn't scare him in any way

"Will you." I took a breath before continuing my sentence.

I knelt down on one knee pulling out the small box that had a velvet like texture. I carefully opened it and the look on his face is one I'll never let myself forget.

"Marry me?"

"I know that our relationship isn't really clear, but I know how I feel." I wasn't sure what his answer would be but I try. Akaashi fell to ground on his knees and he pulled me into tight hug, I hugged him back just as tightly.

"Yes, yes I will."

His pure white suit mixed with his  dark brooding curls, his sun kissed skin practically shimmered in the bright lights of the grand hall.

Kuroo handed Akaashi of to me and patted me on the back, and the ceremony began.

That night I never let Keiji feeling lonely, it was the best night I spent with Keiji.

"Kōtarō." Keiji said as we laid in bed after the exhausting night.

"Yes Keiji?" He smiled at me and quietly said.

"I love you."

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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