A Cafe and an Alley (Osamu x Akaashi/Astumu x Bokuto)

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"Akaashi Keiji, correct?" The man sat across from Keiji, at the rectangular cafe table, which had a small flower decorating the center. Keiji nodded as the broad man sat down, his dark hair swaying as he sat. Bokuto and Atsumu still hadn't shown up, even though they were the ones that planned this whole afternoon.

"Nice to meet you Miya-san." Akaashi bowed his head slightly, Osamu just shook his head.

"No need to be so polite, and wouldn't want people to get me confused with my idiot twin." Osamu rolled his eyes as he mentioned his brother, Akaashi giggled slightly at his annoyance.

"Then, nice to meet you Osamu-san." Akaashi said using his given name, still not dropping the ever hanging honorific.

"Ya can drop the honorific, again don't need ta be so polite." Osamu tried to get Akaashi to drop the honorific, Akaashi just shook his head in protest.

"It would be rude of me to." Akaashi explained to the dumbfounded man sitting across from him.

"Nonsense, after all the money ya spend at my business on a daily basis, nothin' ya do could be rude." Osamu explained, his accent becoming more apparent the more he spoke.

Atsumu's POV

Bokkun and I were peeking through the cafe windows as my twin and the calm and collected Akaashi Keiji was sitting across from him, they looked to be bricking about something.

"Is this really necessary Bokkun?" I asked a little too late, since Bokkun had gone full spy mode, even though you could spot the guy a mile away.

"Of course it is Tsumu! I need to make sure your brother is good enough for Akaashi." Bokkun explained to me for the 57th time in the last hour. Our plan was simple, my brother was totally lonely and depressed about some minor thing again, and Keiji-kun needed to break out of his shell more. So Bokkun and I came up with this glorious plan. We all plan to get together, we ditch them and then they go on this date together. But Bokkun insisted we spy on them, to make sure Samu was good enough for his dear friend.

"This is pointless, he's my twin for god sakes." I groaned as the bright torturing sun shone down on my shoulders.

"Ya, that's why I'm worried." Bokkun said as he peeked back into the window, this dude was supposed to be stupid so why did he come up with a good comeback?!

"Yer rude!" I hit his head, he just hit me back. And that went on until we heard something from inside.

"Shut up Bokkun!" He was gonna say something but I slapped my hand over his mouth so he wouldn't speak.

Third person

Akaashi and Osamu kept checking their phones to see if tweedle dee and tweedle dumb left any messages about their absences. To their dismay, they did not, leaving the two acquaintances to fend for themselves. Soon after they realized that the other two would not be coming they both considered just going back to their own homes and calling it a day. But thankfully a certain Osamu Miya made his move.

"Maybe we could just hang out." The younger Miya twin suggested, Akaashi looked a little shocked at first, but wasted no time agreeing to keep Osamu company.

A waitress came by and got their order, which was simple enough, one small coffee, one medium green tea, and two cinnamon muffins.

After the two men finished they bickered about who was paying, but Akaashi sneakily snatched the small black file with the bill when Osamu was double checking his phone.

"When the heck did ya grab the bill!?" Osamu complained, Akaashi just giggled at his childishness.

"When you weren't looking." Akaashi said honestly, in a cocky tone that he rarely used, only when he felt like he had the upper hand.

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