The Lovers Death

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Just a quick disclaimer, I don't know anything about police work apart from what I know from murder podcast and a few episode of Criminal Minds.

⚠️ Also, I do go into some detail from a crime scene so this a trigger warning for stuff like rape, murder, blood, and bruises etc.

Also I blame murder podcasts for inspiration.

"But Daichi!" Hinata tried to explain to his superior.

"Hinata... we can't." Daichi said sympathetically.

"But the case... they-they." Hinata struggled to say. Daichi sighed and patted Hinata's shoulder.

"They were special to you right?" Daichi asked the red head. Hinata nodded.

"I promise that we will get to the bottom of this case." Daichi promised.

"And to do that we need to go to the states!" Hinata explained.

"Why Hinata, why do we need to go out of our way to the states?"

5 months ago

"What's wrong Bokuto-san?" Hinata asked his mentor.

"It's just, Akaashi seems off lately. Apparently he's been getting weird texts from someone from the states, I've tried to trace the number, but I've had no luck. Every time I try they immediately change their number." Bokuto said worryingly.

Hinata should've immediately told Daichi, he shouldn't have just let Bokuto handle it. Then maybe they both wouldn't have been...


A week ago

"Hinata, please sit down." Hinata had been called in around 8:30 pm. He was sitting across from Daichi in his office.

"Is everything ok Daichi?" Daichi said and shook his head no.

"Hinata I'll need you to stay calm." Hinata felt a pit in his stomach from worry.

"There has been two murders last night." Hinata's mind was racing, who was it?

"And it's people you know pretty well..."

"Hinata, Keiji Akaashi and Kōtarō Bokuto were murdered last night." At that moment Hinata's world came crashing down.

The room was pure silence, neither he or Daichi knew what to say. Two people, two good people were murdered. And they didn't have even the smallest lead on who did it.


"Hinata, it's gonna take a while to get to the states, and we don't even know where they are in the US. We can't just wander around till we find them. And that's the US polices issue now, we can't do anything about it." Daichi said clearly tired.

Hinata wasn't happy with that answer, he was going to bring justice for Bokuto and Akaashi if it was the last thing he did.

2 days later

"Kageyama, wake up." Hinata shook his poor partner awake.

"How did you even get in here this late at night?" Kageyama yawned.

"The window. Now let's go!" Kageyama rolled his eyes and grabbed his suitcase and police gear and ran off with Hinata.



"Police gear."



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