The Lovers "Death" Part 2

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I know no one asked for a part two, but I want to continue so here we are. Also thanks so much for 380 reads!! It means a lot. I know I don't update often but I do put all my effort into these chapters.

⚠️ There are mentions of rape in this chapter so if that makes you uncomfortable or just can't read it please don't read this story ⚠️

"Hinata you okay?" Kageyama asked awkwardly, they were both seated on the plane, row E, second class, flying from Japan to the U.S.

"Ya, it's just... you know." Hinata spoke quietly with hesitation. Kageyama nodded and observed the scenery of the fluffy clouds and grayish sky.

"Kageyama, do you really think Akaashi was..." Hinata didn't need to finish his sentence. Kageyama looked at Hinata and slowly nodded, Hinata's eyes soon became glassy and his cheeks were cherry red.

Kageyama tried his best to comfort Hinata, even though he wasn't exactly the best at it. Hinata appreciated the effort, especially since Kageyama was normally a dorky jerk.

"Look I'm trying ok." Kageyama spoke defensively, Hinata just laughed at his dorky actions.

"I know but it's so out of character for you." Hinata spoke in between laughs and giggles.

"But hey, you're slowly getting better." Hinata tried to sound encouraging, Kageyama just took it as an insult.

"What do you mean slowly?!" Kageyama retaliated, Hinata enjoyed getting Kageyama pissed off sometimes.

"It's just you'll never be as good with people as I am." Hinata spoke with a flamboyant attitude.

"Oh shut up! Besides you sound like Oikawa when you talk like that." Kageyama bickered, Hinata just looked happy at the remark.

"It's not a good thing!" Kageyama shouted in an annoyed tone.

"Oikawa, he was kind of like your mentor right?" Hinata suddenly said in a much more depressing tone, that suddenly brought them both back to reality, and why they were on the plane in the first place.

"I guess you could call him that, I learned by watching. Not from him teaching me or anything." Hinata nodded in response.

"Bokuto, was your mentor right?" Kageyama spoke surprisingly softly and calmly.

"Ya, he was." Hinata muttered as his voice cracked and he sniffed.

"You would've gotten along well with Akaashi-san. He was more quiet like you are, less of an anger problem though. Although he would call Bokuto out more times then one. He was calm, patient, and he was smart too. He could intimidate people with a glance, but he was also caring. Victims would feel safe and sound around him. While perpetrators would feel threatened and scared. Which was why he was a good match with Bokuto-san, they balanced each other perfectly. Bokuto would jump right into a dangerous situation to save someone, and Akaashi always had his back, always. Akaashi would panic and Bokuto would calm him down, Bokuto would feel useless and Akaashi would show him he was a star.

They were perfect, with all of their flaws.

But, they're both gone now... forever" Hinata said on the verge of tears, not even noticing the many tears racing down his face.

"Who ever did this...





Back in Japan

"Wait! You're kidding!" Daichi shouted into the phone with passion.

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