Chapter 1 : To The Shire!

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Hi welcome to chapter 1 once again

Start of recap...

70 years later...

End of recap...

Calen / Jazz pov...

It's been 70 years since the Battle between elfs, Dwarfs, men, hobbit and Orcs. It was a awful battle filled with loses.

I saved three very important Dwarf lifes that day Thorin oakenshields and his Nephews Kili and Fili.

Who are all very much still alive as are the rest of the Company, Thorin who is basically my uncle is still king under the mountain and Kili and Fili have dubbed me an honorary sister to them.

I have also been to Mirkwood a few times and seen Thranduil we are on much better terms now then when I was younger.

I've seen Legolas a few times but he has been busy tracking down Strider,who is also an adopted child of Lord Elrond.

He is my big brother out of all my siblings I'm the youngest so they still all call me Elfling which is a pain in my butt.

I mean thanks to my powers I can teleport there when ever I would like you should of seen Adars face the first time I teleported In front of him when I was 10.

I was adopted by Lord Elrond my Adar 70 years ago when we got back to Rivendell

I have lived in Rivendell with my family since I left Erebor I have been back there many times and I've visited Bilbo many times.

Bilbo has gotten old now and it's his birthday in a few days so I'm on my way to The Shire with Mithrandir (Gandalf) who is practically my Grandad.

I am now 75 in Elf years so I am not an Elfling anymore thou It still feels like yesterday I woke up in the Shire

And Bilbo miraculously found me outside BagEnd.

That's my life so far living in Middle-earth.

I have now finished packing for my journey to The Shire with Mithrandir, I walk out of my room and down to the gates to meet Gandalf.

As I get there my family and Lindir we have become great friends since I was adopted, were standing waiting for me to come.

Adar smiles and meets me halfway, he gathered me in his arms pulling me so close that I leaned my head against his chest.

Adar finally let go and kissed my forehead as he always does and moved away quickly.

"good luck Salen ni Akhrua ( my litter Warrior)"  he whispered he has always called me that since I was an Elfling.

I have always been his little Warrior.

When Arwen hugged me she literally smashed into me as she came to hug me, she has been very sick for years we are very worried for her.

"now little one Be good and don't be Mischievous" she said trying to be serious FYI It wasn't working for her.

We stared at each other before bursting out in laughter, she gave me an extra hug before standing next to Estel.

I'm An Elfling! (Lord Of The Rings fanfiction) (Book lV) Where stories live. Discover now