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I'm writing this chapter so I don't have to listen to my science class right now because we're doing something which I hate (Fertility) and I'm gay so it's not like Im going to get pregnant as I like girls not boys

Sorry just wanted to rant about that

Start of recap...

Frodo: Go on Sam! Ask Rosie for a dance.

Sam: I think I’ll just have another ale.

Frodo: Oh, no, you don’t. Go on!

Frodo pushes Sam onto the dancefloor and into Rosie’s arms, as he gets up to get his ale. Frodo laughs at Sam’s attempt on dancing.

Gandalf lets another set of fireworks off, which take the form of arrows flying through the air

Bilbo is sitting in front of a group of hobbit children, telling one of his stories of his adventures. The children listen in apprehension.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Gandalf is seen dancing with the hobbits, sticking out like as sore thumb.

Bilbo: They spent so much time arguing the withertos and the whyfors, that the sun’s first light cracked over the top of the trees. . . poof!

The hobbit children gasp and jump a little

Bilbo: And turned them all to stone!

Calen then sat down next to bilbo "and I helped" she grinned as the Hobbit children jumped when she sat down.

Gandalf get’s some more fireworks from his carriage, laughing and having a good time. Merry pokes out from the otherside of the carriage and watches Gandalf leave.

He smacks the tent flap and Pippin comes out from behind a tent. They stop beside the carriage

Merry: Quickly!

Merry gives Pippin a boost onto the carriage. Pippen starts searching for a good firework. Merry looks over his shoulder to see what Gandalf was doing.

Gandclf unaware of what Merr{ and Pirpen are”doing lgts off c firewopk that nooks like butterflies.

Gandalf: Whoa! Up they go.

He laughs as he watches the hobbit children run after the butterflies, trying to catch them.

Pippin shows a firework to Merry

Merry: No, mm, the big one, big one.>br>

Pippin finds one shaped as a large dragon. Merry gasps and nods. Pippin jumps down from the carriage, and into the tent beside it.

Merry takes a bite from an apple trying to look inconspicious and follows Pippin into the tent.

Bilbo shakes more hands of Hobbits showing up at his party.

Bilbo: Mrs. Bracegirdle, how nice to see you. Welcome, welcome. Are all these children yours? Good gracious, you have been productive.

I'm An Elfling! (Lord Of The Rings fanfiction) (Book lV) Where stories live. Discover now