Chapter 12 : Strider

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Start of recap...

Strider removes his hood and Frodo stares at him, scared while a Calen gasps as she sees his face.

"Muindor! (brother)" exclaims the Elf as she launches herself at the ranger.

Strider laughing at her shocked face catches her as she run into his arms.
"Calen!" he exclaims just as happy to see her.

They hug each other tightly both grinning happy, as this happens Frodo watches on confused how does Calen know the ranger

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Both man and elf let go of each other strider had his arm around her waist, grinning they stand next to each other.

"Brother I can not believe you are here! Why did you not tell me we would see you" exclaims Calen still shocked to see him.

It had been a while since he left Rivendell Calen was very Happy to see her older brother again after weeks.

"I'm sorry Sister I was doing something for Gandalf" said Strider wincing at the smack he received from Her.

" hmp that still doesn't explain anything" huffed the Elf crossing her arms but grinning non the less.

Frodo then speaks making them realise they weren't the only ones in the room.

Frodo: Who are you?

Strider: Are you frightened?

Frodo: Yes.

Strider: Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you.

This earnt Strider another smack to his arm from Calen wincing slightly he rubbed his abused arm.

Door opens suddenly, Strider draws his sword and Calen with her Bow, in comes Merry, Pippin and Sam, armed with a candelabra and a three-legged stool.

Sam: Let him go, or I’ll have you, Longshanks!

A snort is heard and Strider glares at his sister who tries to cover up her snort.

"Longshanks! That's a good one" she laughed "I'll have to tell Legolas that one" she grinned at Striders misfortune.

Strider: You have a stout heart little hobbit, but that will not save you. You can no longer wait for the wizard Frodo. They’re coming.

"very mysterious Brother" muttered Calen at his words.

Soon everyone calms down as Calen and Strider explain how they know each other.

"everyone this is one of my brothers Aragorn" said Calen as she introduced her Brother to the shocked Hobbits.

"But Calen I thought you were an only child" asked Pippin curious.

"well I when I was an Elfling I was adopted by the Lord of Rivendell Elrond I have three brothers and one Sister and then there's Legolas AND Tauriel they are my other siblings but they aren't related also my sort of Uncle is the kind of Mirkwood King Thranduil" explained Calen.

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