Chapter 19 : Leaving Rivendell (again)

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Start of recap...

"Calen why did you decide to go with the fellowship you would be much safer here with us" said Arwen getting to the point.

Calen was to shocked to answer "you ask me why, surely you Brotjwr should know why I choose to come" said the younger Elf in outrage.

"Because Nin dilthen maethor  I-I mean we think it would be better for you to stay home where it is safe" Said elrond.

Calen confusion turned into rage she jumped up glaring at the others "why must you all see me as still a Elfling that is an insult I am old enough to go Adar" she said tuneed her glare to Elrond.

"I thought you would be proud of me, I thought I was your little Warrior" she cried tears in her eyes.

Elrond stood up to try and comfort her "Calen Honey you miss understand us we are only worried for your safety everyone knows you can fight" he said

But Claen was having none of it instead she stormed of to her room to pack and leave Rivendell.

Sighing sadly Elrond looked as she left Glorfindel patted his friend on the shoulder offering him comfort.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

The Fellowship is preparing to leave Rivendell, and the Elves have gathered to bid them farewell.

Calen stood as far away from her father as possible which made Elrond feel a little put out.

He didn't mean for his relationship with his youngest to end, he just wanted her to stay in Rivendell where she is safe.

Sighing he looks away from his daughter and back to the Fellowship.

Elrond: The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath, nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.

Gandalf: The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer

Frodo turns and starts to walk out of the gates of Rivendell

Frodo: (whispers) Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?

Gandalf: Left.

Aragorn and Arwen exchange a last look before he follows the rest of The Fellowship. Calen wlaks behind staying as far away from Boromir as possible he scares her somehow.

Time skip...

After traveling over open plains, up and down hillsides, they take a rest on a hill.

Gandalf: We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for 40 days. If our luck holds the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor.

"Finally" yelled the only Female in the group as she unceremoniously floops on the ground getting a sneer from legolas as she got muddy.

"you spend to much time with the Dwarfs of Erebor Elfling" said Legolas as he stood.

Calen just kicks dirt his way not caring if she got muddy. As she did that Legolas brushed the dirt that got on him.

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