Chapter 9: Wood Elves

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The picture is what she looks like and also what she is wearing, yes I did draw it hope you like it.

Start of recap...

Sam: (nervously) I haven’t been droppin’ no eaves, sir, honest. I was just cutting the grass under the window there, if you follow me.

Gandalf: A little late to be trimming the verge, don’t you think?

Sam: I heard raised voices.

Gandalf: What did you hear? Speak!

Sam: N-n-nothin’ important! That is, I heard a good deal about a Ring, a Dark Lord and something about the end of the world, but please Mr. Gandalf, sir, don’t hurt me. Don’t turn me into anything unnatural.

Gandalf: No? (smirking at Frodo) Perhaps not. (whispering) I’ve thought of a better use for you.

Calen snickers at the tone in the Wizards voice

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Gandalf leading a horse with Frodo and Calen across some grass against the sunrise.

Gandalf: Come along, Samwise. Keep up.

Sam waddles across the screen with a backpack of pots and pans, Sighing Calen walked to Sam and helped him carry his things, Gandalf leads the trio through a field.

Gandalf: Be careful, all three of you. The enemy has many spies in his service: birds, beasts. (looks suspiciously at Frodo) Is it safe?

Frodo puts his hand over his chest pocket.

Gandalf: (warningly) Never put it on, for the agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power. Always remember, Frodo, the Ring is trying to get back to its master. It wants to be found.

Gandalf pats Frodo on his shoulder and Hugs Calen tightly before mounting his horse and racing off in another direction.

Frodo, Calen and Sam all look around warily before walking on past cottages, waterfalls, meadows, until they reach a cornfield where Sam abruptly stops.

Sam: This is it.

Frodo: This is what?

Sam: If I take one more step, it’ll be the farthest away from home I’ve ever been.

"Come on Sam" said the Elf she knew how scared he felt, she was when she first left the comforts of the Shire 70 years ago.

Frodo: C’mon, Sam. (Sam hesitantly steps forward. Frodo puts his arm around him) Remember what Bilbo used to say? “It’s a dangerous business,

Calen smiles "Good old bilbo and his sayings" she grinned as they walked.

Bilbo: (v.o.) Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Time skip to night...

Sam is cooking some sausages in a pan, smoking, as Frodo reclines on a tree branch. Frodo looks up at a noise, and then down at Sam.

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