Chapter 20: Pass Of Caradhras And The Mines Of Moria

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Hi...yes I know its been a while! But here is Chapter 20 finally!

Start of recap...

The Fellowship walks in the deep snow on Caradhras. Frodo stumbles and falls, rolling down the slope towards Aragorn

Frodo: Ahh!

Aragorn: Frodo!

Aragorn helps him to his feet, and Frodo searches around his neck for the Ring.

Finding that it’s gone, he looks back up to where he fell and sees it lying in the snow. Boromir sees it too and picks it up by its chain.

"Boromir" calls Calen from infront of the man of Gondor

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Aragorn: Boromir.

Incase he does something Calen grips her Bow tightly and grabs an arrow just incase she has to shoot him.

Boromir: It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing.

Aragorn: Boromir! Give the Ring to Frodo.

Boromir: (startles out of his thoughts, but walks down and hands it to Frodo) As you wish. I care not.

"Yeah right" mutters Calen putting the Arrow back in her quiver. She just hopes he doesn't keep trying to impress her.

Quickly, Frodo grabs the Ring from him. Boromir turns and resumes climbing. Aragorn releases the grip he had on his sword.

"come on Brother" Calls Calen as she

The Crebain returns to the Caverns of Isengard. Saruman gets their message.

In Isenguard ...

Saruman: So, Gandalf, you try to lead them over Caradhras. And if that fails, where then will you go? If the mountain defeats you will you risk a more dangerous road?

The Fellowship with the exception of Legolasstruggles through the deep snow. The voice of Saruman is heard.

"Rhaich" (curses) mutters Calen, she never liked Saruman anyway.

Saruman: Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya! *Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your horn be bloodstained!*

Legolas: There is a fell voice on the air.

Gandalf: It’s Saruman!

The first avalanche falls. The Fellowship barely manages to throw themselves towards the mountainside, avoiding it.

"oh Yavanna" yells Calen as they watch the avalanche fall pass them.

Aragorn: He’s trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!

Gandalf: No!

Gandalf takes a step forward, out of the snow, and chants out a spell.

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