Chapter 25 : Lothlorien

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Here's chapter 25! Last chapter I think maybe one more and book lV is done!

Start of recap...

Boromir: Give them a moment for pity’s sake!

Aragorn: By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the Woods of Lothlórien. Come Boromir. Legolas. Gimli, get them up.

Aragorn reaches down to pick up Sam, Calen looks at her Human brother with a blank and stands up holding her left wrist she hasn't had time to heal it.

Aragorn: On your feet Sam. (Aragorn looks around for Frodo) Frodo? Frodo!

Frodo, a few paces away, grieves alone. Weeping silently, he turns towards Aragorn. They continue the journey, Aragorn running in front of them. They cross Dimrill Dale and entes the Woods of Lothlorien

End of recap...

Calen / Jazz pov...

As we walk through the woods of Lothlorien everyone is quiet Aragorn leads us up front while Me and Legolas take the middle and Boromir and Gimli take the back with the Hobbits in the middle.

From behind me I could hear Gimli talking quietly to the Hobbits.

Gimli: Stay close young Hobbits! They say there’s a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell…

Galadriel: (whisper) Frodo…

Frodo, startled, looks around

Gimli: …and are never seen again.

Galadriel: Your coming to as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here Ring-bearer!

Sam: Mr. Frodo?

Frodo starts walking again, I see Frodo stop and wonder why but I think nothing of it, it must be Galadriel.

Suddenly, Gimli has an arrow pointed towards him. Lorien elves appear from behind the trees, aiming at the others as well. The Fellowship stops and look around, alarmed.

Gimli: Oh..

Haldir: The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark.

Gimli: (mumbles)

Hearing a familiar voice my head shoots up, as I look around I see the elves of Lorien.

I recognise one elf very easily, smiling a happy smile I run over to the elf and jump on his back startling everyone.

Gimli and Boromir look worried for me as if I was crazy.

I just hug the elf I have jumped on tighter.

"Suilad Haldir mellon -o sab-( Hello Haldir friend of mine)" I mutter to him as he turned around I jumped of his back grinning slightly at him.

Haldir drops his mask and smiles at me and pulls me towards him he held me in a headlock and rubbed my head with his hand.

I'm An Elfling! (Lord Of The Rings fanfiction) (Book lV) Where stories live. Discover now