Chapter 13: Amon Sûl

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Decided to write chapter 13 because I'm starting to update this more now, hope you like it.

Start of recap...

Sam: (whispering as well) But where is he leading us?

Strider: To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the House of Elrond.

"and my Home" said Calen scaring the hobbits as she appeared next to them. The Hobbits let out a squeak and jump surprised.

Sam: (breathlessly excited) Did you hear that? Rivendell! We’re going to see the Elves.

Strider is looking around as the hobbits are congregated around Bill, unloading pots and pans. Strider turns around.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Strider: Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall.

Pippin: What about breakfast?!

Strider: You’ve already had it.

Pippin: (matter-of-factly) We’ve had one, yes. What about second breakfast?

Strider turns back around and walks past some trees, Calen then snorted does he know anything about Hobbits.

Merry: (to Pippin) Don’t think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.

Pippin: (nervously) What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn’t he?

Merry: I wouldn’t count on it.

"to be honest Pippin I don't think he does" Calen Said as she walked next to the hobbits.

An apple flies from over a treetop into Merry’s hands. Merry pats Pippin on the shoulder as another apple flies over Calen manages to catch it before it almost hits Pippin in the head.

Merry: (annoyed) Pippin!

"Brother!" Calen yelled glaring ahead at her brother.

They walk through to the edge of the snowy forest, and are then shown sloshing through a messy bog, brushing bugs away from their faces.

Merry: What do they eat when they can’t get hobbit?

Strider is shown carrying a deer over his shoulder, laying it before the half-lings after nightfall.

He is humming indistinctly, smoking, as the hobbits sleep Calen sits next to him reading her book as he hums.

Frodo: Who is she?

Strider whirls his head around while Calen looks up from her book at the Halflings voice.

Frodo: This woman you sing of.

Strider: ‘Tis the lady of Luthien- the Elf-maiden who gave her love to Beren, a mortal.

Frodo: What happened to her?

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