Chapter 24 : Fly You Fools!

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Chapter 24 oh my god! This book is almost finished...fucking hell it's been a great couple of months

Picture is what Calen looks like (her outfit mainly)


Start of recap...

The Fellowship redoubles its efforts against Orcs and troll in furry. Gandalf and Gimli take turns stabbing at the troll and dodging out of range. Legolas takes aim.

With Pippin stabbing the troll one more time on the head, the troll opens its mouth. Legolas shoots and arrow into it’s neck.

The troll moans then collapses to the ground. Pippin is thrown against the floor and is knocked out. There is a moment of silence.

All Orcs are dead or has fled. Aragorn awakens and crawls over to Frodo.

Aragorn: Oh no!

Legolas looks around trying to spot his sister, he soon does and he runs over to her pulling his bow down nad holding her limp body in his arms.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

With the others Aragorn turns Frodo over. Frodo gasps for breath. Sam startles and runs over to them

Sam: He’s alive!

Frodo: I’m all right. I’m not hurt.

Aragorn: You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar.

Gandalf: I think there’s more to this hobbit than meets the eye.

Frodo reveals his Mithril shirt. Sam touches it in wonder.

Gimli: Mithril! You are full of surprises Master Baggins.

Orcs are once again heard down the hall, Legolas then stands up with Calen in his arms she hadn't woken up yet.

He then walks over to the others Aragorn looks at him then To the unconscious Elf in his arms with a worried look.

"don't worry She's fine just used to much of her Magic Teleporting to Frodo, but I think she might have a concussion and her wrist doesn't look good" listed Legolas

Aragorns expression didn't change with what injures his sister has.

Gandalf: To the bridge of Khazad-Dûm!

The Fellowship runs out the back door of the chamber, pursued by a large army of orcs. Other orcs spring out from the floor or crawl down from the ceiling and down the pillars like spiders.

They surround the Fellowship, who have drawn their weapons well weapon for Legolas who is holding Calen who hadn't woken up yet.

Just then a fiery light appears at the end of a hall followed by a thunderous growl. The orcs, scared, flee panicking in all directions.

The Fellowships stares towards the light.

Boromir: What is this new devilry?

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