Chapter 15: Back To Rivendell!

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Start of recap...
His vision whites out, Elrond appears

Elrond: Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan nan galad. (Hear my voice, come back to the light)

Frodo is lying in a bed at The House of Elrond in Rivendell

Frodo: (half-asleep) Where am I?

Gandalf: You are in the house of Elrond. And it is 10 o’clock in the morning, on October the 24th if you want to know.

Frodo wakes up

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Frodo: Gandalf!

Gandalf: Yes. I’m here. And you’re lucky to be here too. A few more hours and you would have been beyond our aid. But you have some strength in you, my dear hobbit!

Frodo: What happened Gandalf? Why didn’t you meet us?

Gandalf: Oh, I am sorry Frodo…. I was delayed.

Flashback to Isengard. Saruman, using his staff, flips Gandalf around, then dangles him dangerously over the edge of Orthanc.

Saruman: A friendship with Saruman is not lightly thrown aside. One ill turn deserves another. It is over! Embrace the power of the Ring…or embrace your own destruction!

He flips Gandalf back towards the platform.

Gandalf slowly raises himself, and it looks like he’s staring at Saruman, but what he realy sees is Gwaihir appearing in the distance

Gandalf: There is only one Lord of the Ring! Only one can bend it to his will. And he does not share power!

Gandalf jumps off the Tower of Orthanc and onto Gwaihir’s back

Saruman: So you have chosen….death?

Gwaihir flies over the mountains, bearing Gandalf to safety. Back to Rivendell.

Frodo: Gandalf? What is it?

Gandalf: Nothing Frodo.

Sam enters the room.

Sam: Frodo! Frodo!

Frodo: Sam!

Sam: Bless you, you’re awake!

Frodo laughs

Gandalf: Sam has hardly left your side.

Sam: We were that worried about you, weren’t we, Mr. Gandalf?

Gandalf: By the skills of Lord Elrond, you’re beginning to mend.

Elrond appears behind Gandalf with Calen at his side she had washed herself and changed clothes.

Elrond: Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins.

"oh Adar! I wanted to say that" the younger Elf whined as everyone laughed and Elrond wrapped an arm around her.

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