Chapter 23 : Balin

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Welcome to chapter 23 almost finished with the fellowship of the ring!


Start of recap...

Gollum backs off. Frodo sits down next to Gandalf with a sigh

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

Gandalf looks towards one of the portals, just as he does this Calen looks up from her Book.

Gandalf: Ah! It’s that way.

Merry: He’s remembered!

Gandalf: No, but the air doesn’t smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose.

"finally now we aren't lost" mutters the young Elf as she puts her book away and they move on.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

The Fellowship heads down the left-hand passage, and soon they come to an open space

Gandalf: Let me risk a little more light.

His staff illuminates a huge hall of stone lined with tall pillars and arched ceilings as far as the eye can see. All members of the Fellowship, including Gimli, look around in awe

"wow" breaths Calen as she looks around taking everything in.

Gandalf: Behold! The great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf.

Sam: Now there’s an eye opener, and no mistake.

The Fellowship walks through the hall. Gimli sees a ray of sunlight shining through the Chamber of Mazarbul.

Gimli: Oh!

Gandalf: Gimli!

Gimli pays no heed to Gandalf, but runs into the chamber. He stops and kneels by a crypt and starts to sob.

Behind legolas Calen walks in and see the tomb, she gasps and tears gather in the corners of her eyes.

"No, it can't be" she whispers waking forwards and stands by Gimli crying form.

Gimli: No! Oh, no. Noooo!

Boromir moves forward and places his hand on Gimli’s shoulder. Gandalf stops next to Gimli and translates the runes on the tomb.

Calen walks over to Gandalf and looks at the body of one Dwarf she cares for like a Grandfather.

Gandalf: “Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.” He is dead, then. It’s as I feared.

Hearing his words Calen cries in anguish, her legs feel like jelly and she falls to the ground alerting everyone she is in pain.

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