Chapter 16: Legolas Is Here!

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Start of recap...

Elrond: Isildur kept the Ring. The line of kings is broken. There is no strength left in the world of men. They're scattered, divided, leaderless.

Gandalf: There is one who could unite them, one who could reclaim the throne of Gondor.

Elrond: He turned from that path long time ago. He has chosen exile.

Aragorn is reading a book with Calen on his left also reading a book.

Boromir enters and pauses to look at the painting of Isildur and Sauron. He then notices Aragorn and Calen and faces them

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Boromir: You are no Elf.

He said looking pointedly at Aragorn, Calen looked up from her book at his voice.

Aragorn: The Men of the South are welcome here.

Boromir: Who are you?

Aragorn: I am a friend to Gandalf the Grey.

"and I'm his Sister and the daughter to The Lord of Rivendell" Said Calen putting he rbook away and standing up.

Boromir looks surprised at the young She-elf in front of him.

Boromir: Then we are here on common purpose... friend.

Then he turns and sees the broken sword. He picks up the haft and stares at the blade.

Boromir: The shards of Narsil! The blade that cut the ring from Sauron's hand!

Boromir runs his finger up the blade and cuts himself, a soft snort is heard behind him.

Boromir: (surprised) It's still sharp!

He sees Aragorn and Calen who are watching him.

Boromir: But no more than a broken heirloom!

He puts back the sword carelessly and it falls to the ground. Boromir stops for a second, but then walks away.

Aragorn gets up and picks up the dropped shaft and carefully sets it in place with the other shards.

He takes a step back, looking at shards. Arwen walks up behind him, seeing that Arwen is here Calen kisses both their cheeks and walks away.

Arwen: Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his fate.

Aragorn: The same blood flows in my veins. (he turns to Arwen) The same weakness.

Arwen: Your time will come. You will face the same evil, and you will defeat it. A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn. Ú or le a ú or nin. (The Shadow does not hold sway yet, Aragorn, not over you and not over me.)

Arwen and Aragorn are standing atop of a bridge in the Garden of Twilight

Arwen: Renech i lu i erui govannen? (Do you remember when we first met?)

Aragorn: Nauthannem i ned ol reniannen. (I thought I had strayed into a dream.)

Arwen: (tenderly touches Aragorn's cheek) Gwenwin in enninath...U-arnech in naeth i si celich. Renech i beth i pennen? (Long years have passed...You did not have the cares you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?)

Aragorn: (his fingers run across the Evenstar pendant) You said you'd bind yourself to me. Forsaking the immortal life of your people.

Arwen: And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.

she gives him the Evenstar

Arwen: I choose a mortal life.

Aragorn: You cannot give me this!

Arwen: It is mine to give to whom I will... like my heart.

They kiss.

With Calen....

Once she left Calen went of on a search for Legolas as Gandalf had said he'd seen him arrive.

As she was walking she bumper dinto Lindir who was getting ready to greet the guests coming for the council.

"Hi Lindir!" she said as she walked up to Lindir. Lindir smiled and bowed when he saw her.

"Calen" he said as they began to wlak together, "were are you of to then Elfling" he asked "Well Lindir I'm trying to find Legolas" she said.

"well why don't you follow me" said Lindir Calen nodded and they were of to see the elven Prince.

Soon they arrived at the courtyard where Legolas is, once Calen saw him she ran up and jumped into his arms happy to see ehim again.

"Legolas your here!" she exclaimed gripping legolas' neck tightly Legolas hugged her back just as tight.

"yes here I am Elfling" he said, they hugged for a Fe wmore minutes before letting go. Calen then turned and saw who came with legolas is was Feren.

"Fere! You came you" said the younger Elf to the brown haired one, Feren smiled at her as he got a hug from her as well.

"of course I did Calen I wouldn't give euo the chance to see you again" he muttered.

Soon she began chatting with both Elfs about what has happened since she last saw them both when she visited Mirkwood.

As they spoke time flew by before they knew it, it was time for bed, Calen waved good bye to Legolas, Fere nans Lindir before walking to her room.

Once she got there she undressed and got into her night clothes, brushed her hair and fell into a easy sleep.

To be continued...

Here's chapter 16 sorry for the wait I forgot I was writing this but here is it.
Hope you liked it!

Next is the council of elrond!

Word count : 900

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