Chapter 4 : To Erebor One Last Time

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Decided to write this now so I don't forget to later.

Start of recap...

Gandalf and Bilbo sit outside Bag End, each with a pipe in their mouth. They are looking at the field where the party is to be held, the tents are set up and lanterns are lighted as night approaches.

Bilbo: Old Toby. The finest weed in the Southfarthing.

Bilbo blows a ring of smoke. Gandalf smiles and blows a ship of smoke, sailing trough the smoke ring that Bilbo made

Bilbo: Gandalf, my old friend this will be a night to remember.

End of recap...

Calen pov...

"Hey Bilbo you ready to go" I yelled throughout BagEnd, if we want to have time to stay in Erebor for a Few hours we will have to leave now.

Bilbo then comes running to the front door were I'm waiting for him, "Yes, yes I'm coming I'm coming" he called

"Come on Mr Boggins" I semi whine, soon Bilbo is already to go, I just hope I have enough energy to teleported us to Erebor and back.

We then walk out of the Shire and make our way to bree we take a one of Gandalfs horses to get there faster.

As we ride I used my teleportation powers to teleport us to Erebor, we are now on the outskirts of Erebor.

"ahh Erebor" Breathed Bilbo, we grinned at each other before riding fast to Erebor.

I can't wait to see how Kili and Tauriel are, they got married about 20 years ago when I became off age finally.

After 10 minutes of riding we make it to Erebor, Erebor is a great realm once again for Dwarfs.

Since  Thorin became king under the mountain he has done wonders to  making it better, as we ride we get lots of look of confusion from the Dwarves.

I see a few Dwarfs from the Company as well they smilie as they seee and Bilbo, I stop the horse as they crowd us.

"It's our Elfling and Burglar" cried Bombur, "hi guys" I said, me and Bilbo wave at them.

"Of to See Thorin, Kili and Fili are you" said Dwalin, "yep we just got here" I said.

We spoke for a Few more minutes before the Dwarfs let us go, we don't have long before Bilbos Party starts.

Time skip...

Once we get to the gates of Erebor I see Balin just walking out of them, I then jump down from the Horse and tie it to a post.

I then help Bilbo down from the horse, Balin then walks over to us.

"Master Baggins and Calen" said the old Dwarf smiling at us, he then put a hand on Bilbos shoulder and pulls my hand.

We are then dragged inside the stone castle (is it called a Castle?) by Balin, we walk through the very recognisable halls until we reach the Throne room.

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