Chapter 3: Old Friends And Family

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Hi so sorry for the delay ive been busy this week with school work

Start of recap...

"Oi don't forget me guys" cried the elf hanging of Gandalfs Shoulders. Bilbos face lights up even more when he sees his Elfling

"Calen is that really you" he said reaching out to her, Calen grabbs his hands in hers and nodded.

"yep it's me mr Boggins" she said Smirking as she wrinkles his nose, they then hug.

As they do Bilbos legs swing as he is picked up as Calen hugs him

"now I can pick you up" she said laughing at Bilbos embarrassment.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Bilbo runs inside, beckoning Gandalf in and holding the door open for him.

Bilbo: Come on, come in! Welcome, welcome! Oh, here we are.

He closes the door behind Gandalf and takes his hat and staff, Calen walks in just as the door closes.

She smiles as she remembers BagEnd. It feel so much smaller now then when she was an Elfling.

"home sweet home" she said smiling, she then took of her Bow and quiver filled with Arrows and put then on the bench near the door.

Bilbo: Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger? I’ve got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. 1296. Very good year. Almost as old as I am! Hahaha! It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?

Gandalf: Just tea, thank you.

"I'll have some too Bilbo" called the Elf still smiling as she looked around.

Bilbo runs around the hobbit hole, Gandalf backs into a the chandelier, then turns and bumps his head onto the beam.

A loud snort is heard from behind him, Gandalf shook his head even though she is older the she will always be an Elfling at heart.

He rubs his forehead and walks into Bilbo’s study. He looks at the papers on the desk, a map of The Lonely Mountain among them.

"the Lonely mountain" sighed Calen as she looked at the map with Gandalf,
Bilbo continues to talk to them about what there is to eat.

Bilbo: I was expecting you sometime last week. Not that it matters/. You come and go as you please. Always have done and always will. You caught me a bit unprepared, I’m afraid. We’ve got cold chicken and a bit of pickle… there’s some cheese here. Oh no it won’t do. We’ve got raspberry jam, an apple tart… But not much for afters – Oh, no, we’re all right. I’ve just found some sponge cake.

enters the study, looking for Gandalf and the She-Elf, who have both left.

"I could make you some eggs if you’d like- Oh. Gandalf? Calen?" called Bilbo

Gandalf peers into the study from the kitchen behind Bilbo.

Gandalf: Just tea, thank you.

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