Chapter 2

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Hey hey heyyy, I'm doing this instead of work lol. Enjoy 😩


You were in the Butterfly Mansion for the rehabilitation training.

This was horrible! Your back was being practically snapped into two as well as your legs being broken off. The trio at the butterfly mansion seemed very sweet but they could cause a lot of damage to your frail body.

You learned their names were Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo (I think that's their names) because they introduced themselves before they put you through this. Naho and Kiyo forced your legs to do the splits and Sumi stood on your back while pulling your arms towards her.

"OWOWOWOWOW" You blurted out, it hurt like butt.

They ignored you though, you could only hear their pants filled with the hint that they were tired while forcing your body into a terribly painful position.

After a bit that was finally over but then...

You now had to splash medicated water on this random girl named Aoi.

She was crazy fast, like it was kinda creepy. You failed countless times and the water smelled horrible. You groaned as you dried yourself off.

Then soon after you had to play a game of tag with the same girl.

Aoi spoke up, making her comment clear."Kanao isn't here right now, she's on a mission so for now you have to do this part with me."

You then got into a position and charged at her, but your body hurt so badly from the first stage that you fell over.

Holy crap that was embarrassing.

You got up and started chasing after her, you heard slight cheers from the girl trio on the sidelines as you started getting faster and faster.

You kept trying and you almost got her a few times. But you always ended up failing. Just as you were about to run again Naho tapped your shoulder and gave you a rag for you to dry the sweat off of your body. "Times up!" She spoke up hopeful that you would listen.

"Is that so? Alright." You said with a smile.

Her face lit up, "Y-yes!" she let out a sigh of relief and went back to Sumi and Kiyo.

Aoi led you to where you would be sleeping, it was an empty room.

"Why am I not sleeping where the other patients are?" You said curiously.

"It's because they can be LOUD AND UNCOOPERATIVE!" she said the last part mad, glaring at the wall.

"All of those patients never listen to me! One time someone all cocky with a higher rank came and literally insisted that I should be his personal servant forever! It's so tiring sometimes..."


"Anyways, you're a female and I don't want any perverted males getting all giddy over you." She lied.

Well- half lied. That part was true but she also heard that you'd be training under a pillar, so she had to treat you right.

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