Chapter 3

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Okay y'all uh- I don't rlly got ideas for the Rengoku one so here is this one 😩


When Aoi said he was on his way... I'm starting to believe he isnt....

It's been six hours.

Aoi nervously chuckled and said, "I'll send a crow to notify him. He might have forgotten..."

She then summoned a crow and gave a note to it and it flew away. She then sighed and turned to you.

"I need to tell you something about Tokitou Muichiro."

"What is it?"

"He's very... extra? Yeah. He's way too forgetful for his own good and he's very rude. Be careful with him, he shows no mercy and only looks out for himself." She said, chuckling and looking out the window.

You then went beside her looking out the window as well.

She turned to you, "Hey, (Y/N)-san... by any chance have you heard of... 'The Final Selection'?" She asked.

'What's that?? Sounds weird.'

"N-no! I haven't, what is it?" You said curiously.

She said. "It's where someone training to be a slayer must survive for seven days on a mountain full of demons. If you survive then you become a demon slayer."

Excuse me, did she just say a mountain full of demons? FULL? No that isn't going to work. There was no way you wanted to do that.

Just as you were about to speak up, her crow was flying back. It seemed very shaken up as if something tried to eat it. It flew to Aoi with only one thing to say.

"H-he forgot! Muichiro Tokitou is on h-his way now." It then passed out.

Aoi looked at the crow in her hands and said, "That's not good, (Y/N)-san. Ah- anyways! Be prepared! He could come any minute!"

He came at that very minute.

He opened the door without knocking and said, in which was a very rude tone...

"Hurry up, I don't want to take care of a weakling."

'Rude much.'

You walked towards him and forced a smile because apparently he was really powerful and some crap and you don't want to get a beating.

He started walking out, gesturing you to follow him.

As you both exited the butterfly estate he started running. He's very fast and he's light on his feet. You then realized you were falling behind so you start running too. He was faster than Kanao and Aoi so you were panting breathlessly. You were somewhat closely behind him so all you could see was his hair flowing through the wind. You were mesmerized.

Soon after you snapped out of it and caught up to him, running with all your might. You saw a house settling in your vision and saw him slowing down. He was at a complete halt as you ran straight into him.

His Tsuguko|| Muichiro x !fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now