Chapter 14

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The three of you arrived at the butterfly estate, but before you could walk in Aoi walked right out.

This is JUST like last time...

You quickly got your wounds fixed up while Ami conversed with Aoi, they seemed to get close fast. You smiled to yourself even though a smash of jealousy fell right on top of you.

Whenever Aoi finished bandaging and cleaning your wounds you stood up.

"Bye Aoi- uh... Aoi??" You asked.

You saw her giggling with Ami. That's cute, but damn.

You walked over to the two and smiled, "Why doesn't Ami stay with you? And work here y'know?"

They exchanged looks then looked back at you.

"Are you sure?" Ami asked.

"Duh, Tokitou-sama doesn't seem to like you much," You whispered.

Aoi snorted, "I'll ask Kocho if she can stay."

Shinobu walked in.

Coincidence? No she was listening in.

"Oh my! I'd be glad to!! I can teach you the basics of medication or maybe Aoi could~?" She hummed in a singsong tone.

"Then it's settled? Have fun Ami!!" You smiled and left quickly without a second glance.

What if she replaces you with Aoi? She is tons better than you... isn't she?

Muichiro noticed you were upset and spoke up, "You're upset because of your friend and the other blue haired girl?"

"What? Of course not. My only concern is to train with you!" You assured him even though it did kinda hurt.

Muichiro's heart jerked at that comment.

"Well then let's hurry, follow me."

He started running like really fast, your immediate instinct was to follow right behind him. You were somewhat far behind, and that was because you were clutching your side.

Back when you lived with your mom, this only happened whenever a dog chased you down the road all the way into the village. A nice man helped you get him off of your tail.

Muichiro turned back a split second and saw you behind, he started running faster. The hell? That wasn't even his full speed!? You kicked your legs harder and pushed yourself forward all the way to the familiar Mist Estate.

Muichiro came to a halt and waited for you patiently to get there, you were in eyesight but a bit far behind. How embarrassing haha, you used to be faster than this.

Once you arrived, he walked onto the training grounds with you.

You hated this place but loved it at the same time, it was beautiful but it was also hell being there.

"We're gonna spar. I want to see for how long you can handle constant attacks," Muichiro drew his blade out.

Oh, he's using his REAL sword?

You fumbled to draw your own blade out but managed. You assumed a battle position.

It was in the blink of an eye where he jumped straight at you, simple yet so powerful. His face remained blank.

You pushed him back because he was pretty light, then he went for another vertical strike. You narrowly dodged and fell back.

You cursed under your breath as he stood above you with his blade right to your chest.

Muichiro spoke, "That was barely 30 seconds Y/N."

You looked to the side and blushed, it was so embarrassing... Even if it IS your fault.

"Sorry Tokitou-sama." You muttered and assumed a battle position again. He sighed and got back to his starting point.

You struck countless hits but failed to even knock him off his track, why was he this strong? It is gonna take a longgg time for your stamina to come back isn't it...

"What happened Y/N? Have I not done a good job? Maybe I should be more strict..." Muichiro shrugged as you stood up.

You cursed under your breath and stood up fast. He's following with either a side strike or straight forward, you need to figure out how to push him back.

You took a deep breath and to your surprise (not) he did lunge forward, you blocked his attack with your own sword.

'Crap! What now? What now!?' You jumped back trying to analyze his movements.

Your mind flooded with what to do but your actions went out jumbled, you swung like crazy in panic. Muichiro stepped back confused, "Y/N?"

"I'm- what? Yeah!? What's up Mu-Tokti- UGH!" You face palmed.

He sighed and went back to his starting point.

'She almost used my first name, what would that sound like? Her voice...' Muichiro gaped and got lost in thought.

You quickly realized the possibility of you winning, which was zero. It wouldn't hurt to try right anything right? You're supposed to spar so you could attack first... yeah?

'I hope I don't get scolded for this!'

You lunged at him, his attention turned to you who was charging. He slightly raised up his sword to block your attack.

You swung low to punch him in the legs or something, it wouldn't work for a demon but it would work for a human... but if it were a hashira?

Muichiro didn't fall back even if your punch sounded so powerful that the birds were alarmed and flew away.

"Hah!! Wimps," Muichiros crow scoffed and continued to watch the fight.

"What losers!!" Your crow kind of laughed.

You snorted hearing them talk shit about other birds, your attention quickly turned back to Muichiro.

He was about to absolutely kill you.

You cowered down for a second and tensed up, his glare looked cold as if you were dead to him. He pushed you down and drew his blade back to your chest all over again.

"You attacked first, why?" Muichiro asked.

"It was because you were distracted... I took that as my chance!" You whined, if you moved an inch his sword would cut you.

He stayed quiet for a second, watching you tremble below him. You were scared of him? You aren't, but he's second guessing that.

"Good, always attack when you have a chance. The punch hurt a little, I'll give you that." Muichiro shrugged and got back into his starting point.

The two of you clashed swords with you failing and trying new 'experiments' or whatever to beat an opponent stronger than you.


Sorry I ended this so soon, the next chapter will be tons more important. It will star the main four including Uzui (COUGH COUGH RED LIGHT DISTRICT) and Muichiro will
Not be there y'all will get more time dw please don't hate me wait

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