Chapter 15

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I'm gonna change this up a bit from the actual storyline so Y/N can fit into it smoothly ish

It's been around a week since Ami left with Aoi. You decided to go visit her after countless training which left you sore all over.

You went to walk with Muichiro, he insisted to walk with you.

The two of you had a light conversation, talking about tactics and random things. You found out somehow that your crow likes leaves and that Muichiros crow wears mascara. What the heck?

It took a while for you to enter the butterfly estate's grounds but when you did you were greeted with a fall. You got plummeted to the ground after someone jumped on you.

You prepared yourself to kick but then you heard a familiar voice, "God damn you Y/N! You disappeared for a week!! And you didn't send any messages through crow? What's wrong with you??"

"What? Ami?" You were confused by her sudden temper tantrum.

She just clinger on to you tighter, "Ughh! You're stupid!"

You propped yourself up with your arms in complete shock, this was awkward.

"Just because got along with Aoi doesn't mean you can just leave 0.2 seconds after! You were..."

"You were jealous? Weren't you?" Ami sat back and got off of you.

"Well- sorry. I'm here to visit NOW," You muttered.

Ami helped you up and wiped her eyes, "You kinda left me here with complete strangers."

You looked at her face, examining her puffy eyes, her trembling state. You worried her that bad?

"We were here to visit right? Let's go, I don't have a lot of time." Muichiro stated, he was annoyed.

The usual.

You and Ami began to have a conversation while you walked across the estate grounds. Walking past the gorgeous wisteria that bloomed all year round, the garden nearby, you also greeted Aoi who waved back and went to her chores.

It all went well with Muichiro following beside you, up until...

"Heyy! Stop trying to kidnap her!! Kanao! Help!!" You heard a voice yell.

You jumped up and looked around, nothing. It was close, almost around the corner.

"It's coming from over there? Who is yelling...?" You broke into a run to see...

Uzui Tengen.

What is he doing?!

He was standing on a fence, arguing with the butterfly children. He had Aoi hunched over his shoulder.

Tanjiro- Tanjiro Kamado was there too?

Without hesitation, you ran up to them and interrupted the battle cry of the child trio. Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo.

"Hey?! Why do you have Aoi!?" You yelled up at Uzui.

"I need her for my mission you twerp!" Uzui grinned.

"You can't just take her!" Tanjiro yelled.

Kanao walked into the scene, she sweat dropped.

"Another person? Whatever, I'm taking you girl." Uzui groaned, jumped off of the fence, and walked away.

Muichiro stood there, a bit confused. Tanjiro yelled at him to stop. Then the butterfly girls started yelling at him.

"Kanao!! Help me!" Aoi yelled, pounding her fists against him.

His Tsuguko|| Muichiro x !fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now