Chapter 12

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I love y'all who got this to over 1k reads 😒😒

You woke up early in the morning, Muichiro usually wakes you up. How odd, you never wake up this early on your own...

You got out of your bed and quickly dressed into your uniform. Walking into the kitchen, you saw Muichiro.

He was cooking something?

It smelled delicious.

"Good morning Tokitou-sama." You greeted him.

"Food is almost ready, just sit down Y/N." Muichiro muttered, grabbing a few things for seasoning.

You sat down curiously, 'I wonder what he's making...'

"What are you making?" You asked.

"No questions, Y/N." He sounded dull, did something happen?

"Is there anything wrong?" You worriedly said.

"I said no questions, " He replied.

You stayed silent, you didn't want to upset him more than he already seemed to be.

You sat for a few more minutes until he finally turned around, he held food in his hands.

It smelled great, looked great. It was F/F.

Your face lit up, there's so much of it too.

"Just something for you, where are you going for your mission?"

You carefully took the food and began to eat, "Well, I'm not sure. All I know is that there's a demon scaring a few villagers. The name of the village was oddly familiar..."

Muichiro nodded, "Do you like the food?"

"It's great! Thank you so much." You smiled.

His heart skipped a beat, "Good."

You happily ate your food. It tasted literally amazing, you were happy that Muichiro knows how to cook. He's amazing at cooking surprisingly, you two are the same age after all.

When you finished you got up, bid your farewells to Muichiro and left.

(Sorry you won't get much time with him, I want my Y/N to get some character development of whatever on her own and not entirely with Muichiro. Srry😹)

Kill a demon scaring villagers, that seems easy enough. Your crow said that it's killed around 2-3 villagers which isn't good. It's also quite far away, and you hate running.

You were not as fit anymore so it was tiring. After this it's gonna be hell training with Muichiro.


Why do you always think of him?

Who are you even doing this for? Why are you a demon slayer? Right, you're doing this for mother.

She's been gone for over a year.

This village, so familiar.

His Tsuguko|| Muichiro x !fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now