Chapter 17

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Cute official art at the top... I love Muichiro<33

Anyways, I've decided to finally start this chapter on 06/21/22, because um yeah

1st person POV

"... The Ogimoto house," The snake lady continued.

"That is wonderful ma'am, I'd be happy to sell you Inoko here!" Uzui patted Inosukes back and edged him over.

Once he left, I slowly came to a realization. I'm one of the last two left?! There's no way I'm that ugly, although I'm not the most attractive of the lot.

Oh, I hope Muichiro doesn't think of me as ugly. It would suck having to train an eyesore so —

What? Why am I worried about his opinion on me. This is stupid, but now I'm suffering with a huge wave of insecurity. Oh come on, I'm 14! Get it together.

All I continued to do was follow Uzui, trying to act as delicately petite as possible. Maybe then, I'd finally get sold. I stayed silent, not so much as a peep. This was entirely new and embarrassing to do.

We breezed by the house Tanjiro got put in but before we could entirely pass it, the lady came back and ordered to buy me?

"I'd like to take her too, I am ashamed that I didn't notice how delightful she'd work for me... if it is okay with you, may I purchase her too?" That lady asked, with the guy who was hesitant before nodding silently.

This is weird, why sudden?

Uzui agreed and I awkwardly waved bye to Zenitsu who looked like he was drowned in guilt from being the last one left. Sad for him.

I followed the woman inside to be greeted with Tanjiro and other girls. They all crowded me and began to bombard me with questions.

"Woah! Two new people in a day?" One of them leaned over me.

I almost punched that girl out of instinct. Raising my fist threateningly.

"That's enough!! Come on children, let's go do our daily chores," The lady spoke from across the room. Everyone nodded and went to an area that needed cleaning.

When they all left, me and Tanjiro were soon the last ones left.

"Hello, why don't you two follow me?" She stood up.

We followed behind her, not saying a word. Tanjiro held an unquestioning smile and I was trying not to frown. He was good at being happy, serious determination.

She led us into a room full of rags and towels, laundry in general that needed folding. It was a lot, but maybe I can hear in on something outside.

"We'll try our hardest!" Tanjiro raised his hand with a determined aura. He was really getting into this stupid roleplaying stuff.

The lady nodded and left the room. Leaving us two in here to fold this huge mess.

I sighed and picked up a towel and began folding, keeping a light conversation with Tanjiro, "Do you think we'll find anything here?"

"I hope, I wanna help find Suma.." He sighed and started at the unfolded laundry.

"I know for a fact that Tengen will find her, he's the sound pillar after all. He's strong! And so are we, so we gotta help," I replied.

Tengen hadn't made a good first impression, but I didn't wanna leave a bunch of girls alone with that brat.

Kidnapping brat.

When me and Tanjiro finished folding, the lady came back in.

The lady started, "Hello, it seems you girls have finished quite fast.. good job! Could you two help in carrying these presents over to-"

"Koinatsu-oiran's room!! Right?" He picked up majority gifts and stood up.

"Yes, that's it," She smiled.

Me and Tanjiro understood our assignment and walked over, he insisted on carrying almost everything though.

When we set the stuff down, we heard two girls muttering about something. I listened in closely as to find out what the hell they were talking about.

Hostess.... Fell.... Window.... Died....

Ladies.... Losing.... Footing.... Disappear....


Tanjiro leaned behind them and politely asked, "What do you mean 'lose their footing'?"

They exchanged shocked looks and the girl on the right answers his question, "It means girls who've run away without paying their debt. If they find you, bad punishment."

Tanjiro frowned, "I see..."

"A few days ago, Suma-Oiran"-



Tanjiro spared a glance at me, it was filled with small panic. I acknowledged that and put my hand on his shoulder, "How many days ago?"

She looked nervous and began to mess with her fingers, "Well, it was around..."

"Please don't spread such rumors, nobody knows if they actually ran away or not..."




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