Final apology

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Hey guys, I wanted to do a legitimate apology. My FINAL apology. I will no longer be continuing this fan fiction due to many personal reasons. I'm too busy and I don't have any motivation to continue this.

I'd like to send a thank you to the first ever readers, the ones who decided to continue waiting for chapters even though they'd come out MONTHS at a time. Towards the people who are reading this chapter right now. I appreciate you very much, and I appreciate your support. I love you all dearly, and I'm extremely grateful that you guys have liked this story so far. If I ever have time, I'll rewrite the story, or make a new one.

❤️❤️Here is what the final chapter was gonna be like!!❤️❤️

You and Muichiro had been through a little too much. Near death experiences being the biggest problem, a few arguments here and there, and the worry of losing the other.

Ever since his memories came back, he seemed more cheerful. Like a missing piece was finally restored. Thankfully for you, he was able to share his happiness with you.

Today marks the first year after the final battle. He had lost his hand and that slowed down his lifestyle by a mile, but you always did your part to help him.

You on the other hand... had an eye gouged out and a few lost fingers. You were still grateful to see, and to live.

Especially with Muichiro.

"Are you ready?" You asked, holding Muichiros remaining hand.

Even with battle scars, it seemed he was beautiful. You weren't wrong, his hair still as beautiful as always, his smile killed you but not with anything negative. And his personality was definitely to die for.

You two walked out his estate to a nearby garden. You had taken it upon yourself to tend to the plants needs and you ended up sticking with them like they were your own family.

You turn to Muichiro, who leads you to a beautiful spot right in the middle of two particular flowers you like. He remembered, and that makes your heart melt.

"Thank you, for not getting tired of my attitude." He sighs, and sits down.

You replied a short second later, "I didn't have a choice anyways."

That rewarded you to hear his laugh, his happiness was something that you cherished more than anything else. A true love that definitely has its flaws, but it's great.

You were ready to share your last ever moments with Muichiro Tokito.


Happy Halloween!!

His Tsuguko|| Muichiro x !fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now