Chapter 5: Hello Phantomhive. I'm Cassidy.

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Ciel's POV

I smiled a genuine smile, something few people can get me to do. It was silent for a few more seconds before our butlers returned.
"Your pancakes, my lord." Sebastian set a plate with a stack of pancakes in front of me. Claude did the same for Alois, but didn't say anything. That demon almost never showed any expressions or emotion. They returned to the kitchen and Alois and I began to eat.

"These are really good!" Alois stated.
"Well Sebastian is one hell of a butler." I joked and continued eating. When we finished Alois stood up and extended his hand. "We should get dressed. Lets go!" I chuckled at his silliness and grabbed his hand.
He lead me back to his room where our clothes were laying all over the floor from last nights "activities".

I attempted to dress myself, which didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. "Need some assistance?" Alois laughed.
"Yea..." I sighed and sat on his bed. He fixed the buttons on my jacket and straightened my shirt collar. "There! Done." Alois stood and smiled.

"Thanks." I stood as he sat on the bed. "My turn!" He giggled and I rolled my eyes. (Or eye, whatever works)
I put on his shirt and began buttoning down down from the collar. When I finished I helped Alois into his coat, tying the bow around his neck.
"There! Done." I said, attempting his tone of voice. That only made him burst out in laughter.

After two minuets his laughs turned into giggles. "I should probably call Lizzie now...then we can go shopping." After I said that Alois' giggles stopped completely.
"You're right, we should call her now." he sighed. Before I could respond I heard a knock on the door. "Young master, may I come in?"

It was Sebastian. "Come in." I answered and he opened the door.
"I'm afraid we must go, Lady Elizabeth has requested to see you."

"Alright, but Alois is coming along. We have something to tell her as well." I took Alois' hand and walked out the door. We soon made it outside, walking to an already prepared carriage. Sebastian helped both of us into the carriage and we were soon off.
"I wonder why she wants to see me?" I asked no one in particular. Alois shrugged. "Not sure. I hope she takes your break-up well."
I nodded in response and sighed.

**********Time skip!***********

We soon arrived back at my manor. I noticed another carriage in front of ours, looks like she's already here. Sebastian opens the door and Alois and I climb out. "CIIIEEEELLLL!!!!" I heard the high pitched voice and was soon tackled to the ground.
"Hello Lizzie." I rolled my eye as I got up.
"Come on Ciel! I have someone I
want you to meet!!!" She completely ignored the fact that Alois was there and she dragged me inside.
"W-wait!" I panted. 'Holy hell she's fast.'

"Cassidy!! Ciel's here!" Lizzie shouted. I soon saw a figure walk out of the kitchen, sandwich in hand. She smiled and extended her arm, "Hello Phantomhive. I'm Cassidy." I took her hand and shook it.
"Nice to meet you." It wasn't long after that I heard footsteps and Alois walked in. "Damn Ciel! You just took off leaving me there!" He complained and I laughed.
"You are Alois Trancy, right?" Cassidy asked, walking over to him.

"Yea. How did you know my name?" He asked and she smiled.
"I know a lot more than you might think." She giggled and smirked at the both of us. "Now I believe that you have something to tell my dear friend Lizzie, is that correct?"

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• character! I promise you'll like Cassidy, she won't try to break up Cielois.

Ciel: How does she know all of this information?

Cassidy: I have my ways.

Ciel: What ways?

Cassidy: You'll find out in the next chapter.

Ciel: Ok fine. Don't tell me.

Cassidy: Great! Then I won't.

Ciel: That's not what I meant!!

Me: Ladies, ladies. Calm down.

Ciel: Wait what?? I'm not a lady!!

Cassidy: You sure about that?

Alois: Yea, I'm sure. *winks at Ciel*

Ciel: A-Alois! Shut up!!!

Me: Hey!!

Cassidy: Oh? Where's the proof?

Alois: You wanna see? Oh Ciel~

Ciel: No, just no! Back off!!

Me: Okay I have to go...again. See you next time.

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