Chapter 23- Ciel's 17th Birthday (Longer chapter for you all)

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READ ITS IMPORTANT: Ok! If you didn't read my last author note at the end of the chapter, then read this. There is a time skip to Ciel's 17th birthday. I will hint to what happened during those years missed. Ok? Good. And this is going to be a very long chapter. LETS READ!
Alois' POV

These past years have been perfect with Ciel. Full of kisses, cuddles, and of course sex. He promised to stay with me forever, but today I will make it official.
Ciel Phantomhive will be mine.

Claude drove the carriage up to the Phantomhive manor, it was December 14th. Ciel's 17th birthday. Since he wasn't one to celebrate, I was going to for him. The carriage came to a stop and Claude opened the door.
"Thank you, Claude." I smiled and skipped up to the same doors I've been through oh so many times.
I swiftly threw the door open and ran inside, "Oh Ciel~!"

There was no response. He's probably cooped up in his study or the library.
That's Ciel for you, doesn't care if it's his birthday. To him it's business as usual.
Groaning, I trudged up the long staircase to find my boyfriend.
'Soon to be husband.' I thought, clutching the tiny velvet box in my hand.

I finally climbed up the stairs and made a dash for Ciel's study doors. Forgetting to knock, I turned the knob and walked in.
"Hey Alois." The bluenette spoke without looking up.

"How do you know it's me? You didn't look up." I cross my arms.

"Because I sent Sebastian out to get a cake and the servants are on vacation."

"Oh okay. Well anyways...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I squealed and pounced on him with full force, knocking us both down.
Ciel moaned in discomfort while I laughed.
"T-Thanks. Now get off me." He complained.
"" I wrap my arms around his waist and switch our position. Now Ciel and I are laying on our sides facing each other.

Ciel blushed his usual red shade and I grinned. I stared into his one blue eye. That dark blue shade I adore so much. Ciel's eyes drifted from mine to the floor, "What's that?" He asked.
I was confused until he wriggled a hand out of my hug and picked up the small box I was holding before.
I gasped and swiped it from his hand quickly. "I-It's nothing. J-Just wait."

I shoved it deep in my pocket while standing. The bluenette seemed puzzled while I helped him up off the floor.
"Um, Alois?" Ciel asked.
"What's in the box?"
"If it's nothing, then let me see it."
"Why do you want to see it?"
"I'm curious."
"Well...later. I can't ask now."
"Ask what?"
"Oh my, look at the time! Let's go to the garden!"

I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs and to the garden.
'I have to find a good time to ask. And I have to do it in a romantic way.' I thought while laying in the grass.
Ciel stared at me like I grew another head.
"You are acting strange, more that usual." He crossed his arms and sighed.
"I just have a lot on my mind. Don't worry." I reassured.
"Are you sure, Alois?" He sat beside me.
"I'm sure. I'll show you the box and everything later."
"Okay. Is it a birthday gift?"
"Kind of. But you decide whether you want it or not."
"What do you mean?"
"I told you that you'd have to wait."
"I don't like waiting. You know that."
"Too bad." I stuck my tongue out at him, revealing my contract symbol.

Groaning, the bluenette collapsed in the grass beside me. We sat in silence before the clacking of horse hooves caused us to look up. Sebastian was back with the cake. Laziness overtook me and I lied back down.
"Alois, Sebastian has returned. Let's go back inside." Ciel stood up.
"I'm good. The ground here is quite comfortable." I smirked and sprawled out.

"Childish..." He shook his head and sat on top of my stomach. He leaned down and caressed my cheek, slowly pressing our lips together. I immediately melted and slipped my arms around his waist. We parted our lips slightly, which allowed my tongue access to his warm mouth.
I took the opportunity and explored Ciel's cavern. Our two tongues rubbed against each other causing me to moan slightly.

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