Chapter 20: Go to Hell (Part 3)

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Ciel's POV

I didn't think it could get any hotter, but apparently I was wrong. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. For some reason, I felt uneasy. Walking in, I scanned my surroundings.
It seemed like any normal house. Nothing really out of the ordinary.

"Alright, Sebastian. We don't have all day." I looked at him.
He sighed, "Yes young master."
Sebastian walked off and I set Alois down on a couch. I took a seat next to him and groaned.
'What is going on in that head of his?' I thought of all the possibilities. Alois could be dreaming about something. Or he could just be empty. I hope he comes back soon. Comes back as his lively, happy, ridiculous self. I hope he comes back as the Alois I love.

"Follow me. Bring Trancy along." Sebastian entered the room and waited by the hall. I grabbed Alois and carried him bridal style over to my butler.
"Where are we going?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.
"To see my dad, of course." Sebastian didn't sound happy to be here.

'Good.' I thought, 'Let him be miserable.'
We both walked for what seemed like twenty minuets before reaching a door. He pushed it open and I walked through, just to enter a large clearing.
"Ah, hello Sebastian!" A voice boomed from above me.
I looked up to see the devil himself sitting in a tall, throne like structure. He smiled wickedly before leaping down.

"You must be his new master. I guess I can see why he calls you a brat sometimes." He said.
"Brat?" I turned around and glared daggers at my butler, who just snickered a bit.
"Let's get this over with. Dad, I need a favor." Sebastian walked over to the him.

The devil smirked and crossed his arms, "What do you need? I assume it has to do with the blonde?"

"Yes, and the blondes name is Alois. That heartless demon excuse for a butler poisoned him out of jealousy." Venom laced my words.

"Ah. So you need me to wake him up then?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered simply. The devil took Alois from me and lied him on the ground. He leaned down and set his hands on my lovers cheeks. He closed his eyes and seemed amused.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.
"It seems we have a problem." The devil snickered.
"What? What is it?!"
"Well, it seems that blonde doesn't want to wake up."

Semi-cliffhanger! Mwhahaha! Why doesn't Alois want to wake up? Does it have to do with Luka? I promise to update soon! Until next time.

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