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"Daddy! Help me!!" Amber yelled as she ran into my arms. I swooped her up in my arms, "Amber! What's going on?"

"Dad and Luka are chasing me!" She cried and buried herself in my chest. Just then Ciel and Ambers twin sister, Luka, burst into the room. Amber squealed and I held her close.
"Why are you two terrorizing a six year old?" I asked while Amber clung to me.

"I'm six too, daddy!" Luka giggled.

"Yea daddy," Ciel winked then crossed his arms, "I don't understand why you are protecting that little thief. We were in the process of making cookies when she stole the batter and ate it."

Luka pouted and agreed, "Yea! She took it all for herself!"

"Oh? Is that so?" I looked down at the scared little girl in my arms, "Did you do that?"
Amber looked away sheepishly and covered her face, "Yea but-"

"Well I'm sorry, but I can't protect you then." I cut her off and began tickling her sides. Amber began laughing uncontrollably while I handed her over to Ciel. He put her down next to her sister. Luka laughed, her blue eyes glowed with joy and amusement, "I think you learned your lesson. Ooh! I have an idea! We should-" Luka began.

"-make faces at Claude and get him to show expression!" Amber finished.
Both girls laughed and ran out of the room in pursuit of my butler. Ciel and I just looked at each other.

"They are ridiculous." The bluenette chuckled.

"Yes they are." I laughed too and pulled my husband into a kiss. He immediately melted and wrapped me into a hug. We pulled apart and I rested my forehead on his.

"I love you, my little sexyhive." I mumbled and grinned.

"I love you too, sparkle bottom." He mirrored my grin before kissing my cheek.

"Thank you, Ciel."

"For what?"

"For loving a bubbly blonde like me."

"No need to thank me. Alois, I actually liked you for a very long time. I just never told you because I was scared. But that night at the party...I couldn't stop myself. I wasn't scared or nervous to tell you that I love you. So I should thank you."

"You are so sweet. I'm still thanking you."

"Well thank you for thanking me. We should go find the girls before Claude rips their heads off. He's threatened us before." And with that Ciel and I walked off to find our kids.

OH MY GOD. It's done...it's actually done. Thank you to all my readers and supporters of this fanfic. I really appreciate you all ^u^
Have a great day or night, and well...


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