Chapter 9: Alois was on the floor

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Cassidy's POV

Holy shit I am ready to snap Elizabeth's scrawny neck. I know I was hired to protect Ciel and Alois from her "wrath", but geez its getting hard to keep her in the house. She keeps grabbing her swords and demanding to be brought to Ciel's manor.

Oh god. Here we go again. "I can't! You're gonna kill Alois!" I yelled back. I can't let Elizabitch out of her room. I made sure to get stronger glass put on her windows, because last time she broke it using a really thick book.
"I promise I won't kill him! I'll just put him in a hospital bed." She shouted. I rolled my eyes, although no one was there to notice.

"Still, I can't let you out." I sighed.
"But I have to pee!"
"There is a bathroom in your bedroom."
"Well...I'm hungry!"
"You just had dinner ten minutes ago."
"Just give up Elizabeth. Ciel only loves you as a cousin, not a wife."
"But its not fair! He can't love another male!! Its wrong!"
"Ciel can love whoever he wants. It isn't any of your concern."
"Yes it is! I'm his wife!"
"Pft, not anymore. You'll have to get over it."
"I can't!"
"Too bad. I'm going to bed, night Lizzie."

I got up and walked to my bedroom. I suddenly heard a crash and Elizabeth gave an angry shout.
'This is gonna be a long night.'

>Ciel's POV<

I carried Alois bridal style inside my manor. He managed to fall asleep on my lap while we were coming back from town. I looked down at his sleeping face. He seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

Sebastian opened the manor doors and I walked inside and up to my room. Being the lazy person I am, I didn't bother to change into my night clothes. Instead I tucked Alois into my bed and climbed in next to him.
I soon felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. After a few minutes I became tired and let my eyes close.

•••••••••••Time skip! Again••••••••••

The bright sunlight hit my eyelids.
'I guess Alois is still asleep, otherwise he would have woken me by now.'

I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly. Looking at the space next to me, I noticed it was empty. 'Where is he?'
My question was answered when a soft snore came from the floor. I crawled to the edge of the bed to discover him sprawled out on the ground. After staring at him for a few seconds I burst into a fit of laughter. The scene was hilarious, I couldn't hold it back.

"Ciel? W-what's so funny?" Alois sat up and yawned. It only made me laugh harder. His hair was a mess and there was drool on the side of his face.
"Why are you laughing?" He questioned further. After I calmed down and was able to speak, I got out of bed and stood. Grabbing his shoulders, I lead Alois to the mirror in my room. He gasped and covered his mouth.

"I'M HIDEOUS!!" He screeched. "DON'T LOOK AT ME!! I NEED MY EMERGENCY COMB!!" He frantically grabbed his clothes and sprinted into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
"Oh, Alois..." I sighed. Soon after he returned looking extravagant. "Wow." I breathed. He looked beautiful standing in front of the window. Alois' hair and eyes seemed to shine while his smile glowed. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

He seemed to notice my staring because he started posing. "Like what you see?" He giggled
"Yea...a lot." I simply answered before I realized what I said. ", uh..." I stuttered as my face heated.

"Oh really?" He smirked before pulling me against him. Alois kissed me softly before speaking again, "How about we play dress up? You can be the doll. Plus, we can use what we bought on our date!"
'I guess there's nothing wrong with that.' I thought and nodded.

"I will do it on two conditions. One, I refuse to go out in public. Two, never speak of this to anyone." I stated. Alois smiled and agreed. He ran into the closet and pulled out the same pair of shorts he made me wear yesterday. 'Oh god...'

Hey, look! It's an update! Yay! (I don't know😂) I'm excited to see what outfits Alois puts Ciel in.

Ciel: Why did I agree to this?

Alois: Because you love me.

Ciel: *sigh*

Me: I'm off to write the next chapter! Until next time.

Alois: Come on, Ciel! Let's go!!

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