Chapter 26- Wedding Day

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Ciel's POV•

'Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.' I paced the room repeatedly. 'It's our wedding day. I shouldn't be panicking like this.'

"Young master, please calm your nerves." Sebastian sighed.

"Says you! You're not the one getting married!" I spat.

"Yes, and I believe that is a good thing."

"What do I do. I-I've never...what...bloody hell." I sat on the chair and massaged my temples.

"I don't understand why you are so shaken up," My butler was annoyed, "it's just a wedding."

"You have no feelings, that's why!"

"I'm not Claude."

"Still." I huffed.

•Alois' POV•

"You sure I look alright?" I spun in front of the mirror again.

"Yes, Alois. You look amazing." Cassidy reassured.

"Thank you. I'm just nervous."

"I'm sure Ciel is too. Just remain calm until the kiss." She winked. I smiled and fixed my dress.

"That dress works well on you." Cassidy ginned widely. I thinks she's more excited about this than I am.

"Thanks Cass. Now if you don't mind, I need to be somewhere."

"Of course. Claude is going down with you, correct?"

"Yes. And my maid of honor needs to be up there about now."

"Oh yea! See you soon, Alois!" And with that, she flew out the door. I smiled and walked out the door. Claude was waiting with that same stone look. I didn't care, we linked arms as the music began playing. 'Here comes the best day of my life.'

•Ciel's POV•

My gaze was averted from the flowers to Alois who was walking down the isle. He seemed to radiate with the white clashing along with his blonde hair and sky blue eyes. I stared at him with a goofy sort of grin out of excitement and nerves.
He stood in front of me and Claude walked over off. I didn't care, my world was Alois at the moment.

(I'm not good with wedding shit, so let's skip to the vows. I have been to weddings before but I honestly don't pay attention to what goes on in detail. If I put something in the wrong place I apologize😅)

"Alois, you may say your vows." The preacher said. Alois cleared his throat and smiled, "Ciel, I've known you for so long. At first, I was unsure of my feelings. That explains everything I've done to you in the past. But it's all clear to me now. I remember the first day we talked and weren't fighting. After that wonderful night together I knew you felt the spark too. I promise to always be there for you. Thank you for being there for someone as annoying as me."

I grinned and stared into Alois' icy eyes while blushing.

"Alright, Ciel." The preacher nodded in my direction. I cleared my throat nervously and spoke, "Alois Trancy. The best thing that ever happened to me. Your laughter and happiness is contagious. I can't help but smile when I hear your voice. You taught me what joy was again. In the past I believed you were an obnoxious prick. But I was so wrong. You are beautiful in every way, from your bright blonde hair to your icy eyes that always have that spark in them. I promised to never leave you alone, and I intend to keep that promise."

I heard a few sniffles and cries from the pews. Glancing over I saw Grell and Cassidy hugging each other while sobbing. Alois looked over as well and snickered. We faced each other once again as the preacher read something. I didn't care what, I already knew it was all true.

"I do." I said when he stopped reading. He began again and when he stopped Alois said, "I do."

"You may now kiss the-" The preacher began.

"AHEM." Cassidy coughed from the back.
The man sighed and closed his book, "You may now kiss kiss fall in love."

Smirking, Alois grabbed my waist and swung me into a deep kiss. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck. There was a burst of applause from the crowd as I picked up my husband and ran out of the church.
Swinging him around, Alois giggled and rubbed his nose against mine. Now I know what it feels like.

True happiness.

Hey!!!! cx
I'm so happy! I loved writing this chapter the most. I decided to do and epilogue and then end it there. Thanks for the support! I love you all~! Until the last chapter (:

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