Chapter 25- Wedding Plans

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Kind of a filler. The wedding will be in the next chapter.

Alois' POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a loud bang.
"What the-" I jolted upright to see an excited Cassidy standing in the doorway.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" She squealed and pounced onto the edge of the bed. Ciel and I jumped in surprise.

"H-Hey Cass." I mumbled while propping myself with an elbow.

"I'm so happy for you two! I can't wait for the wedding!!" Her giant grin showed she was about to burst with joy.
Ciel's eyebrow twitch showed he was annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as politely as possible.

"I'm here about your wedding, duh!" Cassidy said in an 'obviously' tone, "I have to be there."

"Of course." I rolled my eyes.

She huffed and stood up, "Well I must be off. Have to be ready for the big event tomorrow. You two better get planing." And with that, Cassidy left.

"We're having the wedding tomorrow?!" Ciel seemed surprised.

"Why not? We both have demons for butlers. They can get the work done while we shop for flowers and dresses." I spoke with a smile.

"I am not wearing a dress."

"Fine. I'll be the woman in the relationship."

"Okay. Fits you perfectly."

"Shut up."

Ciel smirked and kissed my cheek softly. I giggle and pull my fiancé into a hug.

***Time Skip! \(^o^)/ Time Skip!***

"I want the blue and yellow ones." I announced. Ciel and I were currently in a flower shop looking through colors.

"Hm...yes. I like that combination." He agreed. I grinned and found the clerk. Telling her I wanted the blue and red roses, she went over and got a large bouquet of flowers.

Walking out of the shop, Ciel and I made our way to the tailors.

"Ah, Ciel! How are you!" Alexa walked up to my fiancé. "How may I help you?"

"Alois and I are here to get clothes made. I want a tuxedo and Alois wants a white wedding dress." He responded.

"A wedding dress..?" Alexa looked puzzled.

"Don't ask. Just take the measurements." I was annoyed.

"Okay. Please step up here." She gestured to the stands. Ciel and I stood on each as she took our sizes and disappeared into the back. I sat down next to the bluenette and we were engaged in a conversation until Alexa came back with the clothes.

"Thank you. What do we owe you?" Ciel asked.

"It's on the house. Don't worry." She smiled reassuringly.

"Oh, alright. See you later then." He returned the smile and we both walked out into the cool air outside.

"I can't wait to make you mine, Ciel Trancy." I grinned widely.

"Yes. It does have a nice ring to it." He smiled a bit. A real smile that I had caused. I want to see it more often, his smile is beautiful.

"I do believe we have everything. Sebastian!" Ciel called to his demon.
Sebastian appeared seconds, "Yes young master?"

"Inform the church of our wedding tomorrow. Tell them that you and Claude will take care of everything."

"Of course, my lord." The butler bowed and took towards the church.

"It's funny, you know. Demons in a church." I commented.

"Yes. But they'll manage." Ciel smirked. Most likely glad Sebastian would be in pain, "Let's go back home. I have an early wedding present for you."

Ciel winked and I blushed. Taking my fiancé by the hand, I rushed him back to the manor.

Hey!!! Wedding next chapter cx
So my book will be coming to an end. It might be the next chapter or the one after. I don't know yet. Thank you all for reading One Night Change. I love all my readers! I'm not good with sequels, but I might consider one.

Alois- You should do a sequel.

Me- Why?

Alois- Because I want people to read about my future with Ciel.

Me- Maybe, ok?

Cassidy- Which dress should I wear? Blue or red?

Ciel- I don't care.

Cassidy- Thanks Ciel. Love you too.

Alois- No! He loves me.

Ciel- I do... *blushes and smiles*

Me- Awe. Thanks again for reading. See you next chapter! Until next time. (:

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