Chapter 13: Getting to know Cassidy Smith

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Alois' POV

"A different dimension??" I gawked.
"Yea...I had to let you guys know eventually." She gave a shy smile.
"Well then, tell us about yourself."
I said. She nodded and got comfortable.
"Okay. My name is Cassidy Smith and I'm fifteen. I was one of the many who volunteered to help you through your relationship. My job is to make sure you don't get harmed. When you fight, I will help you two make up. I am not from this time period, but I can still blend in."

After she explained, Ciel and I just sat there shocked. The only thing I was thinking was: 'What. The. Fuck.'
"How are you from another dimension?" Ciel questioned.
"That's a long story that I'm not going to explain." She stated.
"Alright. Can we ask you some questions?" I asked.
"I don't see why not." She responded, yawning afterwards.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked.
"Really?" Ciel rolled his eyes.
"Hm...purple." Cassidy said simply.
"Favorite food?"
"Mac and Cheese."
"What do you enjoy doing?"
"Drawing, singing, I'm decent at archery."
"You sing?"
"Yes. But only when I'm alone. Next question."
"Will you sing for us?"
"No way in hell."
"Because. Just drop it."

She let out a relieved sigh. 'Why won't she sing for us?' I thought. 'I'm sure she sounds great.'

"Look guys, don't feel bad. I don't sing for anyone." She said, giving a sorry smile.
"It's ok, Cassidy. Don't feel bad." Ciel assured.
"Yea. If you don't want to sing, then you don't have to." I smiled.
"Thanks guys." Cassidy mirrored my grin and shifted a bit in her seat.

Silence fell for a few minutes before Cassidy spoke up, "Well I better get going. See you two gay birds later!" She smirked and stood up, walking out the door.
"Gay birds? She says the strangest things." Ciel chuckled. I simply nodded in agreement.
"So...what do you want to do?" I asked. Ciel shrugged and sighed. "I don't know what to do." He stated.
"Oh come on! I might die of boredom if I don't do something soon!!" I whined. I gave Ciel a puppy face and barked.
"Ugh. Fine. We can walk in the garden." He groaned.
"Yay!!" I cheered and took his hand in mine.

We're going to have some romance in the next chapter. *eyebrow wiggle* I can't wait! Sorry it's a shorter chapter. The next one will make up for it!!

Alois- Romance? Does that include kissing?

Me- Maybe.

Ciel- Kissing? *turns completely red*

Alois- Yep! Just you and me. *wink*


Me- Aw, look. The great Earl Phantomhive is flustered.

Ciel- S-shut it!

Alois- Hehe~

Me- Well I'm off! Until next time!

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