Chapter 17: Breakfast Poison

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Alois' POV

We both eventually fell asleep after some cuddling. My dreams consisted of Ciel and I getting married, then buying a nice house to raise our kids in. I felt myself smile while I dreamt of our future together.
"Alois?" A voice in the distance called to me. "Alois?"
"Hm." I sighed and turned away from the noise.
"ALOIS!" The voice shouted.
"Gah!!!" I jumped about two feet in the air before landing back on the bed.
"Good, your awake." Ciel smirked.
"I was in the middle of a good dream. Why did you wake me up?"
"Oh, well it's ten in the morning. I think we should wake up."

I groaned at him as sat up, walking to Ciel's closet. I took a pair of his boxers and longer shirts, putting both on. (There, they actually got dressed this time.)
"Why are you putting my clothes on?" Ciel asked.
"Because they are comfortable and I like them." I respond, throwing another pair of underwear at the blue haired boy. He put them on and grabbed my shirt, wearing that instead of his own.
"There! Looking good, Ciel." I giggled, "You should show your legs more often."

He blushed and walked to the door. "Come on, let's get some late breakfast."

I nodded and follow him down the steps. "Sebastian! Make something to eat." Ciel shouted. Sebastian entered the room and stared at us. "Of course, my lord." He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 'What is that about?' I thought and shrugged it off.
We both sat at the table beside each other, holding hands.

"Here." Sebastian grumbled slightly and set a plate of food in front of us. Once he walked away, I leaned towards Ciel. "What's his problem?"
"I don't know." Ciel sighted and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. We ate in silence until I began to feel sick.
Before I vomited, I managed to make it to the nearest bathroom.
"Alois? What happened?!" Ciel came running in, kneeling beside me.
"I-I'm not sure. After I ate that food, I began feeling sick." I moaned in pain and coughed up a bit of blood.

Ciel growled and began rubbing circles on my back. After coughing a few times, I felt weak and almost fell over. I was glad Ciel was there to catch me. He picked me up bridal style as my vision faded. "Thank you." I mumbled before my world went black. The darkness consumes me.

Ciel's POV
Alois lied limp in my arms, but still breathing. Thank god he's still breathing. "Come out demon." I commanded. Sebastian walked out of a shadow in the corner smirking.
"What did you do to him?" I demanded.
"Nothing my lord." He lied.
"Like hell you did nothing. What was in his food?"
"Nothing important. Just an extra ingredient."
"Extra ingredient?"

He pulled out a small bottle filled with a black liquid. My eyes widened at the sight of the dark substance. "Eternal Sleep" was what it was called, the name fits it perfectly.


Ciel: I swear I'll kill him. Sorry. Not much of an author note at the moment, I need to care for Alois. Then rip that demon to shreds.

Me: Well then. See you all later. Until next time!

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